Today our family took on an all new meaning to the chocolate fountain, aka fondue.
We went to this really nice restaurant (notice how dressed up we all are):

And we started off as civilized persons....

But then the chocolate fountain was located, and the restaurant staff made the horrible mistake of telling our crazy family that "as long as it is on a stick, it can be covered in chocolate"....did I mention we are quite crazy????

Well, there was chocolate covered TURKEY....

And there were chocolate covered cucumbers....

And chocolate covered broccoli, and chocolate covered cauliflower (which after my adorable nephew flashed those baby blues, boy am I a sucker for baby blues of the men in my life, yes I did eat it, and the sad thing I didn't like the chocolate).
We were all on a true sugar high induced by chocolate covered things....

And the finale was my cousin having to actually kiss my sister's feet as she is quite superior to him in many ways (okay family inside joke, but I told him I would tell the world how my sister is far SUPERIOR to him and he would just have to admit it).

All in all, loads of fun was had by all.
Dannye, It looks like you and your family had so much fun! I love fondue. We used to go to the Melting Pot Fondue Restaurant in Charlotte, NC all the time before we moved to Syracuse, NY. I loved all the fun pictures. Hope your holiday was great. :)
That is awesome! I'm sure I would've done the same thing. Any chocolate covered chocolate?? :)
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