Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wacky Wed...Happy New Year Quiz (with a bonus one) myspace graphic comments

Since I am so lazy lately thought I'd do two quizzes for Wacky Wed today...

Have a happy but safe New Years!!

You Remember 60% of 2008

Okay, you were somewhat paying attention during 2008.

But you're not going to impress anyone with your knowledge of what went down.

You know the basics about what went down, but little else...

Let's just say you won't be writing the history book for 2008.

You Should Make 5 Resolutions

Lose Weight

Get Fit

Eat Right

Reduce Stress Overall

Take a Trip

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Crazy Eights List Meme...

Alyson who is home with Alyzabeth An tagged me to do this Crazy Eights List. At the bottom of this post I also tagged Eight Bloggy Friends!!

Eight Favorite TV Shows:
Burn Notice;
Saving Grace;
Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew;
Lincoln Heights;
Gator Football;
and Gilmore Girls (even the re-runs)!!!

Eight Things I look Forward to:
going to China to get Chynna;
seeing things through a child's eyes;
finally being a Mommy;
paying off our house;
celebrating Christmas with my now 2 nephews (Andrew was just born 12/4);
enjoying life to the fullest;
the economy getting out of the toilet it is headed towards right now;
the Gators winning the National Championship again!!

Eight Things on My Wish List:
China's adoption process picking up speed;
a trip to bring Chynna home within the next year;
Winning the Florida Lotto (but guess you've gotta play to win huh?);
new floor in my house;
a raise at work;
a cruise with my family;
more time to spend with my family and friends;
to get out of this funk I've been in waiting and waiting and waiting for the CCAA to speed up!

Eight Things I Did Yesterday:
Christmas Shopping with my cousin and mom;
short nap;
watched a special on MSNBC about the Caylee Anthony case;
kissed my hubby and told him I love him;
saw my brother at my Mom's;
spoke to my sister on the phone and we laughed;
snuggled with Freckles;
got some new books to read from my friend Sue.

Eight Favorite Restaurants:
Olive Garden;
Ruby Tuesdays;
Cracker Barrel;
Bahama Breeze;
Lam Garden (Chinese Restaurant); and
Mimi's Cafe.

Eight Friends we are Tagging:
Cyndi and Dean;
Paula (password protected);
Red Mary Janes

If you haven't been tagged and would like to post this meme, let me know and I will link you.
Have fun!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wacky Wed...are you a grinch?

updated blog stuff coming soon, stay tuned...meanwhile a Wacky Wed...

You Are the Furthest Thing From A Grinch

You love and live for the holidays. You even love the Grinch!

You're in the holiday spirit year round... because you're all about celebrating and giving.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wacky Wed...what kind of soup are you?

Because it is cold out here this morning (in the 50's, and yes that is cold for this Fla. gal), thought this one was appropriate...

You Are Chicken Noodle Soup

You are a traditional and conservative person. You value the past, and change frightens you.

You are very loyal, especially to your family. You prefer a low-key life, with lots of time spent at home.

You like soup because it's easy, quick, and cheap.

You tend to have a favorite soup you stick to. Why change a good thing?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Have a great Thanksgiving

I am thankful for a wonderful family and terrific friends, my good health, and to be employed (especially during this awful economy)...what are you thankful for? Have a great Thanksgiving...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wacky Wed...what does your Thanksgiving Meal say about you

Have a great Thanksgiving....

What Your Thanksgiving Meal Says About You

When it comes to the holidays, you follow and love the big traditions. You look forward to them every year.

You see the holidays as a time to be close to loved ones. It's a good time to reconnect and make memories.

You like the more adult aspects of the holidays - parties, cocktails, and having time off from work.

During the holidays, you are likely to feel comforted. At your worst, you feel a bit over-indulgent.

You consider yourself to be a bit of a purist, and you're proud of it.

You tend to spend your holidays relaxing. Holidays are your down time.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Playing catch up with some pictures....

Okay so I admit it, I've been a slacker in my postings and haven't really blogged about this post is a catch up on the goings-on in my life that I've been photographing but not blogging about, sorry if it is long, but hey I've got lots to show and tell about.

So here it goes:

My sister is pregnant with her second child (and due to have him 12/8), we are so very excited for her and can't wait to welcome Andrew into our family. Here's some pictures of my sister at her shower, etc:

and at a luncheon, our really hottie waiter Jay with Joanna Mei (Don and Be's daughter):

and at Halloween, my great niece and nephew came over before heading out for the night (can't believe how fast they are growing up):

then just recently, my Mom and I attended the last Super Soap Weekend at Disney Hollywood Studios and got to see Susan Lucci:

and some of the General Hospital cast too:

it was a beautiful day at Cinderella's castle:

and the Country Bears sang wonderfully (and such refreshment in the a/c from the Fla. heat):

we even saw some Disney ducks and even a Disney chicken (yes our family always seems to take pictures of birds for some reason):

and we went to Monsters Inc Laugh Floor:

and later found out "we're not worthy"....

Just this past weekend we celebrated my nephew Adam's 9th birthday (which isn't until 12/10, but since his brother will be born 12/8, we celebrated a little early):

he even had a "special guest" at the party...yes it's an armadillo and it's alive, and boy is he a quick little guy when you are just trying to make him a celebrity and take his picture, after "hiding" I finally convinced him that he'd make a great blogging subject so he posed:

So that's my life lately, hope I didn't bore you too much!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday night humor...

This is a true story, proving how fascinating the mind of a six year old is.
They think so logically.

A teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class. She
Came to the part of the story where first pig was trying to gather the building
Materials for his home. She read . 'and so the pig went up to the man with the
Wheelbarrow full of straw and said: 'Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that Straw to build my house?'

The teacher paused then asked the class: 'And what do you think the man said?'

One little boy raised his hand and said very matter-of-factly ...'I think the
Man would have said - 'Well, I'll be damned!! A talking pig!'

The teacher had to leave the room.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wacky Wed...are you ready to be a parent?

Good to know after all this time waiting I am only 56%, how disappointing, and here I thought I was ready....

You Are 56% Ready to Be a Parent

You are mostly ready to be a parent, though you could be better prepared.

If you had a kid tomorrow, things might be difficult at first - but you could pull through.

You don't have to be an ideal parent, but if your life was in better order, it would help.

Make yourself a plan of how you'll raise and pay for a kid. You'll feel better if you have all your ducks in a row.

If you're already a parent, you're probably doing a good job.

Even if things aren't perfect, you're making the best of it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom.... - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Mom, hope your birthday is full of joy and bring us all such happiness and joy and we love you very much....

Friday, November 14, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wacky Wed...what board game are you?

You Are Boggle

You are an incredibly creative and resourceful person.

You're able to dig deep and think outside the box to get things done.

You are a non linear thinker. You don't like following directions

You draw your inspiration from the strangest places sometimes. You're constantly inspired.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Enjoy your freedom, thank a vet....

We are so very blessed in this country to enjoy numerous freedoms, and there have been many men and women who have lost their lives so we can enjoy same. Take a moment today and thank a veteran (and their families) for all they have sacrificed so we can enjoy our freedom....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Wacky hyper are you?

You Are 20% Hyper

You are low on the energy scale. You prefer peace and quiet to excitement and adventure.

You don't see the point of always being on the go.

You have a low stress threshold, and you can only do one thing at a time.

And like many people, you tend to tire quickly. You need a lot of down time.

Not only are you not hyper, hyper people tend to annoy you a bit.

You find energetic people to be overwhelming. You wish they would just calm down!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wacky Wed...what your cute monster says about you

What Your Cute Monster Says About You

You are both a realist and an idealist. You're able to see the world as it is - and how it could be.

You dream big, and you never give up on your beliefs. You have big plans.

Your inner demon is depression. Sometimes you build things up in your head.

People think you're cute because you're determined. You're a fighter, and that's charming.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hairbow giveaway....

Come one, come all!! If you love hairbows (or know someone who does), this is the place to visit. Keisha is re-launching her hairbow blog and is having a give-away.

Click here to head over and get signed up!

And Good Luck!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wacky Wed...are you are a witch?

Good to know I am only 25%, but some days others may not agree with this

You Are 25% Witch

It's unlikely that you're a witch. At least, no one thinks you are.

You may still be interested in witchcraft, but you're by no means a stereotypical witch.

While you don't seem all that witchy, people may think you're a bit weird.

You're definitely a little offbeat. No one really knows what to make of you sometimes.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Old Lady and the Frog...

With many thanks to Angie, I post this which brought a big smile to my face!!

An older lady was somewhat lonely and decided she needed a pet to keep her company. So, off to the pet shop she went.

She searched and searched. None of the pets seemed to catch her interest, except this ugly frog. As she walked by the jar he was in, she looked and he winked at her.


The old lady figured, what the heck! She hadn't found anything else. So, she bought the frog. She placed him in the CAR, on the front seat beside her.

As she was slowly driving down the road, the frog whispered to her 'KISS ME AND YOU WON'T BE SORRY..'

So! The old lady figured, WHAT THE HECK, and kissed the frog..

IMMEDIATELY the frog turned into an absolutely gorgeous, sexy, Young, handsome prince.


