Put down the first word that comes to mind:
1. Cigarettes: smoky

2. Sex: sweaty
3. Relationships: complication
4. Your Last Ex: history
5. Football: Gators!!

6. Crack: illegal
7. Food: tacos
8. President: honorable
9. War: troops
10. Cars: crash
11. Gas Prices: HIGH

13. Bon Jovi: 80's
14. Religion: heavenly
15. MySpace: stupidity
16. Fear: rats
18. Beyonce: beautiful

19. Blondes: Playboy (hey I've been watching the Girls Next Door, I can't help it)
20. Brunettes: smart
21. Politics: unspeakable
22. Pass the Time: sex (well I did see this word previously, can't help it, hehe)
23. One Night Stands: despicable
24. Cell phones: annoying
27. Vanilla Ice Cream: cones

28. Porta potties: nasty!!!
29. High School: memorable
30. Pajamas: silky
31. Wet Socks: squishy
32. Marijuana: stinky
33. Alcohol: virgin
34. The word HATE: crime
35. My best friend(s): Ray
36. Money: necessary
37. Heartache: sad
38. Love: abundance
40. Divorce: bitter
Ok, so that's it--ONE word that comes to mind. Alright, all reading this should be considered to be tagged, but let me know you played along please...
Hmmmm, sweaty sex is on SOMEONE's mind, heehee
Ok I agree with the gass prices and cell phones! Yuck to both!
Alcohol and virgin?
That one I DON'T get!
I guess I was thinking a virgin alcohoic drink, that's why, guess it is sorta confusing, sorry, that is just how my mind works sometimes....
I haven't seen this one, fun list! I'm laughing over divorce: bitter.
Hmmm..I'll do this tag. Probably on Sunday.
Good answers by the way!
Way to go!
What a fun tag.
Very interesting! Thanks for the read!
Cool meme but even BETTER was that Gator graphic! Didn't know I had a fellow fan out there!
in g'ville
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love frogs too. And I love your daughter's name.... Just beautiful. I am so excited for you. Your list was fun. I want to do it but I am afraid of how my mind works and the answers I come up with.... still might give it a try.
Hi Dannye,
I've included you in the slumber party I'm having my blog tonight for the Ultimate Blog Party. You may get a visitor or two. Hope that's ok!
Alllllrighteeeee - I'll play. May take me a day or two to get it up, but I'll go for it! Dropping in for the blog party! Thanks for visiting The Estrogen Files!
Great answers!! I may play along with this one later in the week! Thanks for sharing!
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