My Great-Nephew Damion and Great Niece Angeliena, and their Mom Katrina (no that's not a "bad" shot of Angeliena, that's her idea of smiling for the camera, it's great, had me in tears laughing so hard)...we had a great time, Damion "painted" my house:
while Angeliena played with the ladybugs:
and then gave Freckles some loving (he's soooo great with the kids....)
We really had a great time, what a lovely surprise, thanks Katrina!!!
LOVE that first picture of Damion! What a pose! Very cute.
So glad you had such a nice visit.
Don't you just LOVE those kind of surprises. Those are some miiiighty cute kids!
Janet T.
How cute are those two??? I love that impish smile on Damion. He looks like he's up to something ;0)
They are both so cute! Looks like they're lots of fun!
SOO adorable!!
Those are some cute kids!
Wow, what stunning kids. You lucky thing you!
Damion and Angeliena are so cute and Freckles is such a good boy too. Hope you had fun.
Def. a good reason to come home early from shopping!
Keep smilin!
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