Today was a beautiful day in Orlando, Fla. filled with tons of fun activities.
The morning started out at a delicious luncheon, hosted at Ming Court on Tourist Row (also known as International Drive) by Pam Eidson, whose beautiful family was down from Jacksonville, and graciously coordinated all families who were blessed with Pam's (and ABC's) dossier consultant services to get together and finally put a face to the names.

We all enjoyed meeting each other and seeing the adorable babies home with their forever families. We were thrilled to be able to share this experience with my parents (better known as Joe and Ellen, or "Dannye's parents").
Ray and I even used the chopsticks for the first time (although I am still trying to get the hang of it), and notice no food on our shirts, guess that means we are semi-experts (yeah right) but as the saying goes, practice makes perfect.
We did get to bring home some chopsticks, so I guess this means we will have to practice with them so we will become "perfect" and maybe, just maybe be able to teach Chynna how to use them too (although she'll probably be teaching us).
From there, we decided to go play some miniature golf (and enjoy the sun-shiny day), plus we did have some buy-one-get-one-free coupons (if it's free, it's for me) that expire at the end of this month, and the "boys" kept telling mom and I how they would kick our butts (so we HAD to prove them wrong).
Off to Pirate's Cove we went, putting over each and every obstacle in our way, no matter the obstacle, concentrating and competing (girls v. boys), although the girls are not openly expressing the competition, so as to hopefully surprise them as we sneak up on them and humiliate them fair and square (we found out that cheaters get punished severely at Pirate's Cove, locked up in one of the many caves and left to become "golf ball retrievers" for the rest of eternity, and we can't have that or we couldn't go to get our baby girl).
Lots of holes-in-one where made during this game, it got quite intense, Ray was ahead, then Dad, then a tie, battles were fought and the jousting with golf clubs began, it came down to that last hole.
Pressure building, we were all sweating, the balls were flying... the final winner, you ask?.....well the boys tied, and kinda left us in the dust.
Guess us girls will have to demand a rematch (we think they cheated), and since they didn't know the stiff competition we had going on, then I guess we all won.
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