Although it seems like A LOT longer, we are now officially at our 3 month mark.
And the magical question we keep hearing is "how much longer before you travel to China to get her". As much as I would love to be able to answer this question, I can't. The only ones that can give an accurate reply would be God and China. However, I politely answer each and every time, "as soon as China allows us we will travel to bring home OUR DAUGHTER".
Just for fun, let's see how does our "pregnancy" compares to other types of pregnancies:

a horse for 11 months, and a cow for 9.5.

Now that we are armed with this info, when you are asked, how much longer, you could explain, I am not sure, but did you know an elephant is pregnant for 22 months (wow, imagine being pregnant that long, guess we won't have to imagine).
Congratulations on making the 3 month mark. If only we all knew how many more....oh well.
I equate this process as being pregnant with an elephant. I am glad to see someone else appreciate this humor!!
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