You Are a Good Friend Because You're Loyal |
![]() You stick with your friends no matter what, even if you feel like they're doing the wrong thing. You believe in letting people figure out their own path in life. It's not your place to interfere. And part of your loyalty means that you'll do a lot for your friends. You definitely go the extra mile. You'll even do great things for friends without them asking. After all, that's what friendship is all about. You are truly a friend for life. And you have friends you've known since you were a kid. Your friends can count on you to do a favor, remember a birthday, or just be there to listen. Your friends need you most when: They can't turn to anyone else You really can't be friends with: Fickle people who change friends quickly Your friendship quote: "Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows." |
Okay so now you know what kind of friend I am...what about you??

Go out and celebrate with your friends, and have a safe 4th of July!!
Hi Dannye...I took the test. I am a good friend and loyal. I think I am a good friend. :) I hope you and your family have a wonderful 4th of July.
Cyndi James
Waiting for Alicyn Shea
LID 10/24/06
I'm a twiner with glad to see you stopping Em's and my blog again...we missed you! ;)
Hi!! I am a good friend because I'm loyal too!! LOL :)
Have a nice and safe 4th of July!!
Have a Happy Fourth to you too!
You Are a Good Friend Because You're Supportive
You are almost like a life coach for your best friends.
You give them help when they need it... but you also know when to give them a push.
People tend to rely on you for moral support and advice.
You've probably always been mature for your age, so this is a role that's you're comfortable with.
A friend like you is one of the rarest kinds.
You are both a good mentor and companion.
Your friends need you most when: They are confused or worried
You really can't be friends with: Someone who only wants to complain
Your friendship quote: "The only way to have a friend is to be one."
Hey...I'm not loyal at all...HA!
Here's what mine said...I have to laugh at the quote due to the "s" word...
You are energetic, amusing, and always up for a good time.
Optimistic and genuinely happy, you help people see the sunny side of life.
And you're always up for a party... no matter how big or small.
You're usually the first one to celebrate a friend's success.
Anyone who's interesting or fun is welcome in you circle of friends.
You're not the type of person to exclude or make fun of someone who's a little different.
Your friends need you most when: They're down or depressed
You really can't be friends with: Anyone who's stuck up or chronically unhappy
Your friendship quote: "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
I'm a good friend because I'm honest. I love the part about not being able to stand needy people. Too true!
Here's what it said:
Like it or not, your friends are going to hear the truth from you.
You know that the truth hurts, but living a life of lies is much worse.
So while you're definitely kind and supportive, you don't pull any punches with your friends.
Everyone knows where they stand with you. And what you like and dislike about them.
While some may be initially turned off by your honesty, your friends have come to consider it a virtue.
After all, in world of white lies and deceptive politeness, you can be counted on for honesty and integrity.
Your friends need you most when: They need good advice or an intelligent opinion
You really can't be friends with: Needy, emotional people
Your friendship quote: "True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance."
Happy Firework day to you and your lovely family.
Love us
I am a good friend because I am supportive. Hope you have a safe and happy 4th!
Well I am a good friend becuase I am honest.
I am honestly saying...happy 4th to you!!
It says I'm a good friend because I'm fun -- that surprised me a bit, I thought it would say loyal or supportive.
Hope you had a wonderful 4th, Dannye!
Happy 4th of July Dannye.
Hi Dannye,
We're back - OK, I took the test and surprize, surprize .... I came out 'honest' - Friendship quote "True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance." Oy!
Maybe I'll take it again and try for something different - kinda like when you use the blood pressure machine at Wal-Mart and it registers too high and you sit there and try to relax and you say to yourself "I know I can do better" and you take your blood pressure again and it comes out lower - it's like that.
Looking forward to seeing you and Ray on Monday @ the Waiting Families Meeting.
For the finest in Italian cuisine, men always use "Testosterony" as their pasta of choice.
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