As you all know, I recently did some retail therapy and traded in my Kia Sportage for a Ford Escape (a much needed trade in as my Kia didn't want to run for me anymore, and I couldn't keep throwing good money after bad)....
Anyway, I was running an errand for work right around lunchtime, and came upon this grey convertible Mercedes with an elderly man (notice I didn't say gentleman like I normally would) and this black standard poodle riding shotgun. I was thinking "how cool for the dog to be enjoying his ride like that", when we approached a stop light. The man honks his horn and sticks his middle finger upwards and was babbling a mile a minute. I thought "wonder who he's doing that for" thinking someone going the opposite way must have upset him somehow.
So we continue driving (I don't tailgate so there is plenty of room between us) and we come to another light, and again the same routine. So now I am thinking maybe he's upset about having to sit at a light and the culprit is the traffic light (and that's why he is giving the international sign)...quite weird.
We then come to a stop sign, and again the man is flying the "bird" but now he is turning around and looking at me!! What in the world???? I start thinking "did I cut him off somehow?" and since he was always in front of me that wasn't the case.
So I slowly put down my window so I can hear the ranting and found out why this man was so upset.....
He didn't like my car (are you kidding me????)....he starts blaming me for ruining the environment, for driving a gas guzzler, I (nor anyone else) should be driving an SUV....again are you kidding me??? My car gets 23 MPG in town, not bad right?!?
Some people just look for excuses to be idiots....guess this was his....
WTF? I wanted to like this guy in your story as I too have a black standard poodle, but he's a freak!
Clearly it is time to increase his medication.
What wack jobs. They complain but never actually do anything that matters to try to fix the problem. They figure their hot air will be enough. Twit.
Keep smilin!
Whew! I'm glad I drive a blue Ford Ranger. It wasn't me ..... AND ..... I wouldn't have a girlie dog like a dang poodle.
Great to see you and Ray yesterday. We stopped at the Cold Slab Creamery (that's probably not the name of the place, but it's as close as I could come) for ice cream and watched the light show from the thunderheads up around Seminole.
Ahhhh...the bird. It's always good to give the BIG ol' B*%&$ that is giving the bird a nice Miss America wave and say in the kindest voice "You have a nice day now!", rev up and speed off.
I had some guy in a big ol' lincoln almost run me down the other day for who-knows-what and I thought he was going to get out of the car and come after me after I gave him the Miss America wave and a big smile. I still don't know why he was after me. Heck, for all I know he was on Meth and probably thought my car was the one he and his buddies stole the night before and wanted to know how in the heck it was running...I mean people look at my car and wonder "How does it run?" But the engine is a sweet one and the body is a disguise to protect it. It just makes all those redneck men(which there are plenty of in my neck of the woods...no pun intended) ride my bumper. Then when they read the words Goddess on the Loose on the back they just start seeing red. I love messing with these types of jerks in traffic. Smile and wave, Smile and wave, Smile and wave...even M is getting it down. :)
Oh...I could have had such a good time with Ol' Mercedes (diesel guzzling) Poodle Totin' Grandpa...
You're right some people are just plain RUDE!
The world is full of crazies. He gets the award for the day!
Are you kidding me? Wow. That is very interesting. Some nerve!!!
That is horrible!
I would've been shaking if it had happened to me...was your blood boiling or what!?
He should have his license revoked...poor dog having to put up with him all the time!
I guess it's his age...he's losing his marbles.
I hope you gave him the finger back?!!
That is insane...I drive a Yukon XL and no one has ever done that to me. I run it on ethanol, but no one knows that.
Geez, be glad you weren't in a Hummer!! He may have b*tch slapped you!! The nerve of some people!!
Sorry you had to meet up with the likes of that ....but you probably saved his life cause if it would have been someone else in a bad mood they might have side swiped him.
I would have yelled Bite Me as I passed him as fast as possible wasteing as much gas a s possible just for the moment. Nutcase.
I am sorry he was nasty to you. Set Freckles on him...nasty old codger.
I am still trying to figure out how you didn't RAM your vehicle right up his self righteous arse.
The nerve.
What a jerk! He wouldn't like me than either. My Mountaineer doesn't get as good of gas mileage. What an ol' crab!
Can't imagine what he would have done to me in my 15 mph Expedition!!
I might have had to have flipped him off and yelled Merry F&*King Christamas.
Bunch of whack jobs on the road these days. Sucks for his dog!!
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