Okay, I didn't get a chance to post this morning like I normally do (couldn't think of anything to say, but that changed today at lunch)....warning I'm getting my soap box out and standing high up on it (can't say you weren't' warned)....
Now I'm not a cutesie 16 yr old any more (and although I still think of myself as being cute), as over the years I have put on weight, so I now think of myself as short and lovable (instead of curvaceous, still curvy just wider curves now that's all)....

Well I went to lunch today at TGIF (yes I'm not afraid to let you all know where this horrible incident happened), to have a late lunch (1:30 pm), I just wanted the Broccoli soup and half of sandwich and their awesome wildberry lemonade, figuring lunch will be quick.
I got seated at one of those tables for 2 and there was a few couples in the same section. After about 15 mins, and still no waiter/waitress...I flagged down the first one I saw (it's not like they were busy), and "David" told me he'd find my waiter and be back...I watch "David" go over to "Jacob" (who was supposed to be my waiter) and Jacob proceeds to tell David that he doesn't want to wait on me "cuz he doesn't feel like it" (WTF???? What did I do???) and that David can have his table....meanwhile another 10 mins passed, still haven't gotten my drink order taken nor my lunch order but I'm thinking "heck it won't take them long to bring my food, and then I'll be back before my hour lunch break is up" so no big deal (besides I'm thinking this Jacob fellow is not getting a tip from me if he does wait on me, now mind you I usually tip more than 20% especially if you go above and beyond, but this guy stepped on my feelings, so he'd have to do more than kiss my tush big time to win me back over again)... The hostess feels bad for me so she takes my drink order and David takes my lunch order (nothing complicated, just throw the soup in the bowl, put some crackers on the plate, toast the bread, put the lettuce/tomato/ham on the toasted bread, cut it, put it on plate, bring to table, simple process right???)....well new people come into the same section I am, they have their complicated dinner orders taken (you know, ribs, mashed potatoes, stir fry, whatever) promptly, and then they start getting their meals before me, and my blood pressure is starting to rise big time (it has been 20 mins since my order has been taken and still no food, and my 1 hr lunch break is down to 10 mins and I still don't have my food, luckily when I called my boss he was okay with my long lunch, but I'm not!! I've got work to do at the office and a tummy that was grumbling), I stop David and inquire about my food, and he tells me "it's coming right up" and within another 2-3 mins it was brought to the table (now I'm not one to complain, if my food is wrong/cold/whatever I just accept it, don't want to be a bother) and I was steamed....I demanded David tell me what part of my lunch took 25 mins to make, and he said he wasn't sure what happened and he'd be right back...next thing I know the manager is at my table of course apologizing, telling me my lunch is complimentary (not why I complained, nor the outcome I was expecting), and goes on to explain everything about my lunch went wrong, from the waiter's not sure who's table I was sitting at (yeah right sell that story to someone who believes it and wasn't there to hear Jacob's rudeness), to the order getting lost, to once it was found being placed at the end of the line of orders thus behind everyone else who ordered after me....really made for an awful lunch, feelings hurt and all...
but when I got home, without telling Ray what happened, he made my world all better again, he had made me dinner (and it was on the table waiting for me when I got home), and he kissed me and told me how beautiful I am!! How did he know just when I needed that pick me up??? Besides I know I am beautiful and wanted by lots of people, who needs the "Jacobs" of this world anyway???
Jacob is an asshat.
Ray rules.
Take your sexy self somewhere else for lunch next time--no more TGIF for me, either. I say GFY to TGIF!
That kind of stuff bugs the crud out of me...of course you are a hottie..glad you got a free long lunch but sorry for the reason...
Great hubby : )
Mean people really suck! Glad you have a good guy at home!
Your hubs ROCKS. Glad that in spite of the rude "Jacob" you came home to your perfect for you man and a great dinner!
I cannot stand it when I get treated like I'm inconveniencing my server by being there!!!! (especially since I am a server)...
sounds like Jacob needs to find a new job. (I have a few ideas)
Anyhoo, glad your sweet Ray of sunshine brightened your day for you. He's a keeper, that is for sure and HE knows a good thing when he sees one.
Oh, Dannye, I have felt invisible MANY times! Or worse, TOO visible. I remember looking at chocolates for someone one time, trying to decide what they would like, and these two young guys went by and said, in a LOUD voice, "She really doesn't need any more of those!" I was so hurt, I left the mall crying. But I came home to my WONDERFUL husband who helped ease the pain, although it still stings when I think about it. I hate it when people make others feel like pond scum. I am so glad that you have a WONDERFUL husband who adores you, because when it comes right down to it, the people that we love are the ones who really matter. And WE all adore you....:-)
Clearly Jacob needs a new line of work that doesn't involve interaction with the public.
Hubs? he's on the A list.
What an idiot!
I have been made to feel this way several times. It really hurts.
How sweet of hubby to put the nice ending to an icky afternoon.
Yeah for Ray!!! Hubs rocks!
TGIF = Thank God I didn't Freak! You are a patient gal...I would have lost it!
Keep smilin!
If it makes you feel better M and I had a similar situation happen to us at TGIF in Anchorage. M was livid and wanted to know why it took so long to get lemonade. It was the same story too...nobody seemed to know why it took soooo long but we didn't get a complimentary meal. So you ROCK on that part. Perhaps TGIF needs to up their standards on helpful/attentive wait staff.
It's sooo awesome when hubby makes it all better, isn't it?
Girlfriend, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! I don't ever want to hear any talk on this blog about anything different. Plus, you have a great man. Big hug.
I'd love to be able to say I lost my appetite when these things occur, but it hasn't happened. I am just pissed and hungrier!
Luckily dh saves the day, and he gets lucky?
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