I guess I should'a known something exciting would happen today....I had a ladybug land on my desk at work today, then flew to the floor, and I had to catch her and release her to safety back outside (before the pesticides at work sent her heavenly bound)....my first sighting in quite some time...
Then I see the emails pouring in from my Yahoo Groups....I just knew it had to be a
rumor, June '06 out of review?? The whole month??? So to the CCAA website I head, and it's true, check it out:

What does this mean??? Well, hopefully it means we finally got through that door, we got our golden ticket and have been let in to meet Willy Wonka!! We are in review!!
Now let's just quietly get back out of review (don't ask, don't tell), and into the important line, referral!!
That is wonderful news, Dannye!
One giant leap closer to your sweet Chynna!!!
I hope July gets out as fast as June did!
That is wonderful....doing the happy dance for you girl! ;)
That is great news. I had a ladybug sighting as well. The gift shop at my hospital and ladybug shoes everywhere!
Love good news!
Yay!! Now I only hope you guys get out quickly(passing with flying colors of course!) so I can get in!! My fingers are crossed for you! Good Luck!!
That is wonderful news! Next up...you guys!
Keep smilin!
I was just coming over to tell you the good news, but it looks like you already heard. Isn't it great that you are in review? I hope it flies like May and June did.
It is exciting! I am smiling BIG for you!
May they hop right on into July review along with LayDfrog & Ray!
Hooray! We're in review! I hope they don't ask any questions!
Congrats...I enjoy the visual of "getting out of one line and into the next one". That is how I have seen (in my head) how this whole process works.
So glad there was no waiting in line for me this last week...someone would definitely would have been severely hurt! :)
Nothing like a surprise of good news, huh?!
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