My wonderful brother, while at Lowes looking for things for his hopefully new house (the inspection is Tuesday, so he is still in the beginning stages, yet again poor thing...that's another story for another day) got me a terrific present...he said he saw it and it just hopped into his shopping cart for me....isn't it the bestest doorbell button you have ever seen????

I love it Jimmy!! Thank you!!
Today, I am going to our local zoo....I have never been before and can't wait...hopefully will see lots of great animals (hey I gotta see if I like it before Chynna comes home, otherwise how else will I know whether or not to take her there?? hehehe)....will hopefully get lots of great pictures to share!!! Until then!!
I cannot imagine a doorbell more perfect for you!
Love the doorbell...I had something hop at me the other day...but first you have to sit and ponder what it may be....
Very cute. My kids would LOVE that! Does it "Ribbit" when it rings?
Does the bell "ribit'?
I'm goin gto the zoo soon too, I'm just as excited.
What a wonderful brother to think of you. I love the doorbell. I see that awesomeness (not sure if that is a word) runs in your family. Hope you enjoyed the zoo and that it will be a great place for Chynna too! :)
CUTE doorbell! Is it just a normal ring???
so cool! Perfect for you, LayDfrog!
The doorbell is so perfect I'm verklempt.
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