Okay, I admit it, sometimes I fall for the silliest things. I can't help it. People either sound so sincere and say things with such a straight face that I fall for it.
However, I have no excuse when it comes to emails. I should know better but sometimes....okay here's what happened, my mom forwarded me this email from one of her friends (he's quite a funny guy so that should'da given me a clue, but nooooo), and it's one of those "think of a letter between...." and then "think of an animal...." and then "think of a person.....", so here I am participating, doing what it says thinking "wow, I wonder if I'm doing it right" and "hopefully this will turn out like it's supposed to" (I know, geeky, but I can't help it, I'm telling you, I'm gullible) and I get towards the bottom, and I about fall out of my chair laughing because it's one of those "now hit yourself in the head and quit playing on this computer and get back to work" type of emails. Boy do I feel silly!!!
So what do I do??? Of course what any wonderful wife would do!! I call Ray down the hall to the computer room to take this "test", explaining how completely wonderful it is, and how he'll be soooo surprised. Guess I did a good job hyping it up, cuz my wonderful hubby took this "test" too, and was so into it, he didn't get it either until it literally told him to hit himself in the head with his hand that he is looking at. This of course sent me into total hysterics (I know I'm sick too).
And then of course I had to share with some of my friends, some of which have admitted they're gullible, some which haven't, isn't sharing great??
I love having my hubby take these "tests". If I use big techie words I can lure him in easily! You should feel good though for luring your hubby in as well. :)
Hee hee. You're evil.
Oh, I totally would've bought it. Hook, line and sinker.
Yes, you are evil....you sent it to me!
hehe! love it! I'm so gullible too, or maybe it's just that I'm blonde! :)
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