I saw this on one of my many yahoo groups, and thought "hey this is too funny to pass up posting and sharing"...so here ya go...do you suffer too? (and Don, this is not just for women although it says that....you too could suffer, hehe)...
It's that time of month again...I don't mean PMS but PRS or "Pre-Referral Syndrome". This is a much more dangerous time of month than PMS is for most women, even worse than PMDD.
Typical Symptoms:
Women in the process of Chinese Adoption will sit in front of their computers, for days on end trying to find one tiny shred of fact regarding the latest LID cut-off or actual date of said referrals; either through forums, chat rooms or blogs.
Most women WILL lose some sleep during this time by choosing to surf for clues until the wee house of the morning, get a few hours of sleep only to get up extra early to see if anything has surfaced in the 3 hours they were asleep. Most women feel anxious, go through bouts of excitement and depression and appear to be losing her mind to those around her. When she will allow herself to be torn away from her cyber hunt, she will be prone to bouts of sobbing, shopping spree's for baby items (mostly in pink), and will tend to eat copious amounts of Edy's Slow Churned ice cream.
In extreme cases some women will lose short term memory, they will forget to take care of their daily responsibilities such as letting the dog out, planning dinner, going to work, etc. Some women will even forgo hygienic rituals, skipping showers, putting hair in ponytail, or wearing sunglasses to the grocery store to hide the dark circles and pale complexion due to lack of sleep and make-up.
Cycle Duration:
Women usually experience PRS symptoms from 2 days to 2 weeks before the onset of Adoption Referrals being received at adoption agencies and can show continued symptoms for 2 days to 2 weeks AFTER referral information has been officially announced.
Those experiencing symptoms 2 weeks before AND 2 weeks after SHOULD SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION or at least have an extremely supportive network of family and friends who can make sure that she doesn't go to work in her underwear or fall asleep in unusual places.
Life-time Duration:
This is a chronic disorder that will continue on a regular basis until the cure* is administered. Years ago experts in this area believed the duration of PRS to only last 6-8 months. Then 10-12 months, 22-24 months and now some believe it could go as long as four years. As you can see there is not a definite end to this syndrome and those considered experts actually have no idea either.
*Cure:One adopted daughter, home in her mother's arms.
too funny!!
All I am focusing on right now with the wait being so long is getting through the review room. We'll be through in 5 months.
Funny ...... we just came back from Albertson's with Edy's slow churned peanut butter crunch.
I am honored to have a 'Don Mention' in a LayDfrog post ..... I'll print it up and frame it .... on 2nd thought, printer's broken. Quel dommage.
We are all practiced up for Sunday. In case we don't connect before then, try to get seats in the center sections ..... the sound on the sides is poopy. Show @ 6 PM, so arrival by 5:45 will probably be best for center seating. We'll probably hang @ Panera's Sand Lake & Dr Phillips afterward. See you then,
Don & Be
Oh, oh....I think I might have this.....
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