I got this off of
Jade Road and figured I'd give it a go...
A is for age:
I will be 34 in June
B is for Beer:
Ewww, I don't drink at all.
C is for Career:
Legal Assistant for 12 years.
D is for my Dog's Name:
Freckles, my spoiled rotten cocker spaniel baby!
E is for Essential Item I Use Everyday:
My vanilla scented deodorant (which I am sure everyone around me appreciates).
F is for Favorite T.V. Shows:
Gilmore Girls (although lately it hasn't been the greatest), Top Chef, and Supernatural.
G is for my Favorite Game:
Ray and I usually love to play Yahtzee or Phase 10 (cards or dice).
H is for Hometown:
Mickey Mouse-ville.
I is for Instruments I Play:
Never learned to play an instrument (and sure can't carry a tune).
J is for Favorite Juice:
Apple Juice is my fav (and Grape is a close second).
K is for Whose Butt I’d Like To Kick:
Those people who jumped in line at Dillards today while we were out holiday shopping (how rude to do that while we wanted patiently in line).
L is for the Last Place I Ate:
The Thompson Cafe' (better known as our house).
M is for Marriage:
Married for 5 years 4 months to the greatest guy in the entire world.
N is for my Name:
Dannye (and no, it's not really Danielle).
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays:
hmmm guess maybe 2 times in my life (that I remember anyway) and neither of which was any fun.
P is for People I was With Today:
Mostly my mom, and this evening with my hubby and puppy.
Q is for Quote:
If you're feeling froggy, leap.
R is for Biggest Regret:
Not spending more time with my grandparents while they were still alive (I miss them tremendously, and they will never be forgotten).
S is for Sport:
I miss playing softball.
T is for Time I Woke Up Today:
Finally rolled out of bed at 9:00 a.m. (finally am getting some pretty good sleep lately, yeah!!)
U is for Current Underwear:
Light gray cotton Form Fit (Target brand), really comfy.
V is for Vegetable You Love:
Broccoli (which sometimes gives me gas, oops too much info).
W is for Worst Habit:
Obsessively checking friends blogs/websites and Yahoo Group emails.
X is for X-rays I Have Had:
None that I can remember (although must have had one when I was little and fractured my collarbone, but I don't remember it).
Y is for Yummy Food You Ate Today:
Food, I ate food, hmmm let's see I guess the free sample broccoli at Sam's today.
Z is for Zodiac:
Cancer (and otherwise known as the Moon Child).
If you do the ABC's too, leave me a comment so I can check out your answers!