Monday, August 27, 2007

My Monday Soapbox rambling....

We interrupt the normal Monday funny for a soapbox rambling....

I can't help it, this goes beyond idiotic....

Yesterday morning when I finally got my big tushie out of bed (finally able to get some well needed sleep), my cell phone was ringing (odd for a Sunday) was my Mom wondering why my home phone kept ringing busy all morning....upon looking further into the situation I learned I have no dial tone, but instead I have a high pitched constant "beep" sound on all my phones....

I called the repair number listed on our bill (611) as I have the "New AT&T" (our phone carrier) on my cell phone and home phone, and learn that you can only 611 on a cell if it is a cell phone repair call (that would've been nice to know on our phone bill) only use 611 from your home phone (okay that makes no sense, calling in a repair from a broken phone that has no dial tone).....luckily my computer line is working so I look online and get the repair 800 number and call it....automated answering, and God forbid if there is another noise detected when it asks you to answer questions...anyway about 5-10 minutes later all the questions were answered for the stupid machine, and an "order ticket had been created that will remain open for 12 hours" (okay this was about 9:30 a.m. and there was no option to speak to a live person)....all day long I would check my phone and no change....

8:00 p.m. rolls around and still no working I call again and the darned machine says "an Order ticket has already been created, goodbye"....WTF?? So in order to get a live person I have to pretend I wanted to purchase a new product (like I would after this type of service, yeah right) and I get the sarcastic Becky....

Becky: Welcome to the New AT&T, how can I help you?
Me: Well my phone is not working and I was wondering if you could tell me when to expect it to be working again.
Becky: Ma'am you need to call repair.
Me: Yes I already did that and couldn't get a live person.
Becky: Okay, let me look at your account. It says here there is already an open repair ticket. Do you need me to set up a time for the tech to come out?
Me: No, since I already put in a ticket I assume I am already on the schedule for this to be fixed, hence the open repair ticket....
Becky: Oh no ma'am, we only send out a tech to repair things if you speak to us and request it.
Me: So calling in and reporting my phone not working doesn't do this?
Becky: No ma'am, it just makes a record for our files that you indicate your phones do not work.
Me: So you're telling me that if I didn't call and pretend I wanted to buy something from you guys, my open repair ticket would have closed without my problem being resolved?
Becky: yes ma'am. So would you like me to dispatch that tech?
Me: What do you think??? Of course.
Becky: Okay they will be out between 2-6 tomorrow. Thanks for using the New AT&T. just makes no sense.....


4D said...

Egads....what frustration!

Hope the phone is ringy dingy-ing again soon.

Keep smilin!

kitchu said...

Holy cow man. That is RIDICULOUS.
Hope it gets fixed.

GGHadden said...

OK, my B/P went up just reading this!!! OMG! DUH! Maybe we expect too much from a company these good customer support! Good luck...glad you still have a cell.

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Dear me. What a bunch of knobs.

aimeeg said...

I can't stand annoying customer service people. Frustrating.

tundrachica said...

Overall, general customer service SUCKS!