Oops did it again!! What you ask??!! Well I have this bad habit of saying things are "mine" instead of "ours" even when Ray is around and sometimes this really makes him quite upset, and tonite was no different.
He knows I don't mean it is just mine, but still I guess it hits a nerve with him when it is about certain things....
Tonite it was about the pool...
We were over my Mom's and I asked my brother when he was coming over to swim in my pool....harmless enough sounding right??? Oh man, you would'a thought I stuck Ray with a hot poker or something "your pool huh???" and he stormed out to the car ready to go home (Mr. Sensitive, hehe)....no worries though I made it all better, he's no longer upset, but I guess I better watch my words a little closer (my daughter has slipped from my mouth a few times....I really don't mean anything by it and honestly I do share with others).....
Oh well!! No harm, no foul!!
Both Ryan and I do the same thing. He calls me on it, and I call him on it when it happens. It is an easy slip up. I don't mean anything intentionally by it.
I'm glad Ray isn't upset anymore.
We all have little things that we do. You are the sweetest person in the world and know that you would never mean anything by it. Glad to hear that Ray isn't upset.
I hardly feel like anything is mine anymore..... ;)
Hubby and I are constantly keeping each other in line about the "mine" things. I would say I am a bit sensitive like Ray when the hubby says that something is "his" when talking with friends.
S just tells me to "get over it"...I hope you were nicer to Ray to make it better. :)
I do the same thing quite often over here...Jay just shoots me "the look"...
Everything is mine. My fh, my children, my dog, my house.... you get the picture. Ha ha... I think there is some unspoken vow. Lol.
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