Spring has sprung, and for the first time EVER I have allergies to something...and the crazy thing is that I live in Fla where things bloom all year round. Lately all I do is walk around sneezing up a storm and sniffling, with puffy looking eyes....then yesterday happens....I lost my voice!!!
Now for all of those who know me, this is quite devastating, I would open my mouth and nothing....I'd put all I could muster to say something, and only this little mousy sound would come out (and let me tell you, nothing mousy sounding normally about my voice)....so since I couldn't talk (which Ray found to be quite humorous, nothing funny about it honey!!) and I felt just plain awful, I took some allergy medicine (non-drowsy kind which is so the opposite for me) and slept and slept and slept...
I woke up last nite at 10:00 pm and was soooo confused, it felt soooo much later....
And it was back, sorta, it would come and go...so while my voice was still around I called my mom (hadn't spoken to her all day), and called my brother back.

Ray tells me I kept clearing my throat while I was sleeping during the night and coughing some, so maybe just maybe I coughed that frog back up and the voice came back...
All I can say is my throat is slightly sore today, but my voice is back hopefully to stay this time!!!
Yuck. I never actually lost my voice (although M. probably wishes I did once in a while, haha). I hope you are feeling better quickly!
Dannye, I am sorry that you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.
I think my husband would love for me to lose my voice, but it's never happened. Our 2 year old has allergies, it's been awful this past week.
Hope it's back to stay! That bites when it is so much harder to make a point ;0)
So sorry you are feeling bad. I hope your voice comes back and all is better soon.
When you get a chance will you e-mail me? sramsey65@alltel.net.
I thought you LIKED frogs.....why did you swallow the poor thing?
Sorry you got the cooties but better this weekend than last weekend cos I would have been devasted to not be able to talk to you!
Feel better...it's the darned frogs now they are in your throat!
Oh dear.....it sucks to feel so lousy! Hang in there....hope you fell better soon!
Hope you feel better soon, funny how all the husbands love it when you lose your voice!
Yup sounds exactly what I get every spring and again in the fall I have 3 containers of Nazonex on go. One on my desk, one in my purse and one on my dresser. I thought when this first started to happen that it was a sinus cold, but later learned that it was allergies. I've only developed them in the last 3 years.
Hope you get it under controle I feel for you...
Hope your voice returns and you feel better soon.
Keep smilin!
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