This seemed to make time stand still, again quite weird (although with this adoption, time does seem to be standing still, or at least like we are running as hard as we can and not getting anywhere)....

Then my brother called and asked Mom and I to go with him to get a new TV (his just quit working last night for some reason, probably a blown fuse or something), so off we went to Best Buy...
We looked at this one flat panel TV which was an open box special, but it didn't come with any kind of stand (the salesman "couldn't find one", convenient right??), so my brother liked this other TV to which the salesman was trying to talk him into buying a lesser TV which cost more money, which my brother turned down, so

this "salesman" goes to check on the availability of the TV my brother wanted, tells my brother they have it in stock, goes to the back and comes back and "can't sell" the said TV because (and I kid you not).... "we are doing inventory and we don't want to mess up our inventory by selling the TV"....are you kidding us?? you can't sell a TV in a store that SELLS things because it would mess up the inventory?????!!! Quite crazy, needless to say we left that craziness behind....
Sounds like a suspicious shopping trip. I hope the trip was moved to a more customer friendly environment. :)
I bet it was the last one in stock and the salesman wanted it himself ! Sketchy salesman, I'd be going to another store.
Wow...that sounds somewhat like my trip to large phallic sporting goods store. What is with these chain employees?
Hope today is a better day. Steer clear of appliance stores!
Thats the dumbest thing I ever heard! I would have asked to speak to the manager.
Elizabeth who sits here shaking her head.
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