What the heck is going on ??? First the restrictions effective 5/1/07 (which by the way wasn't against just Americans, but ALL seeking to adopt), then the Guatemala thingy (sending those attempting to bring home their loved ones into a tizzy), then the 2 days of referrals (which by the way must have been huge numbers cuz my large China only agency announced 30 referrals in this batch, which was just one of the two days), now this??!!??

I think I need to take the attitude of many others out there and just stick my head in the sand and wait with it there until first we are out of the review room, and then second our referral is here... yup, that's what I'll do...
So while I am waiting, here's some great Sesame Street music (warning it will stick in your head)...
P.S. By the way, tomorrow Ray, my parents, and I are getting together with Dawn, Lily and Jacob of Eggrolls and Chopsticks to meet for the first time, can't wait!!! I promise I'll post pictures!!
We met up with a couple, Alyson & Ford, whom I met in blogatopia. They live up near Jacksonville and we sat for 3 hours marveling how our stories paralelled each other. I made the meeting an item on our blog called "Bloggers in Paradise". Your meeting will likely be a blast - have a great time.
Sad news about Russia - we have some friends in Texas who adopted from Russia and went through many hoops over a period of 3 years. Their daughter has been home with them for about a year, now.
Hope to see you Monday at the Waiting Families Meeting - the food at the new place is good! Before long we will be the 'Weighting' Families Group.
God Bless,
Don & Be
Sadness on this insane situation. Adtoptive parents have it so hard. Not an easy road to travel. Very sorry for our Russian friends.
I am right there with my head stuck firmly in the sand also.
Have a great weekend and I look forward to hearing all about your meetup!
Keep smilin!
Have a great time tomorrow--that sounds exciting!
I will admit ~ to hear that Russia is closing scares me. I will just be happy when we are home with Miss Victoria.
Hey did you know that Mahna Mahna came from The Muppet Show and now it is used on a commercial. This is one of my favorites because those pig-lookin' creatures just put me in a trance along with the music.
Have fun meeting up with new friends! We have old friends coming to town tonight that we haven't seen in a couple of years. We are very excited!
I love Dawn, Lily & Jacob. Have a wonderful time! I have a blogger friend in Russia right now picking up her daughter. I hope that everything is ok.
We are thinking of you all while you are in this long wait, along with all the other changes with the adoption regulations. We are praying that things turn around soon! We were in the wait during the SARS scare, and had so many emotions that it would take forever to name them all. At any rate, things did change and we were finally united with our daughter (over 3 years ago now). We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and wish for you continued hope and faith that things will turn around soon.
Have fun with Lily and her parents parents. I visit their blog often and enjoy their postings of Lily. Our Lily (also 4) loves to watch the videos of Lily they post so often on thier site:)
I feel your pain Dannye. Got room for my head in the sand too?
Can't wait to see pictures of your fun day!
LOL-the Sesame Street is to funny! What's even odder, dh and I have been singing that song for the past few weeks to each other (before you even posted it)-haha! I do the the "do do do" and he does the "min na na mah" part! I will have to forward him your link!
LOL! The Sesame Street video is awesome! What's odd is, dh and I have been singing that song to each other the past few weeks (before you even posted it)!
I sing the "do do do do" and he sings the "mna mna mna" part-haha! Too Funny! I can't wait to show him your video.
Take Care,
Holly L.
Oh god... you put it all together like that and it does seem really ominous, huh? The tide must turn!
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