With many thanks to Dawn for nominating my blog for this wonderful award (it gave me goosebumps, and made me feel loved)...I do believe that amazing red thread has connected our two families together and am so very glad that we got the chance to meet and create a stronger bond...your friendship means a lot to us and we are so happy to have finally met and can't wait to get together again someday soon...
Now onto my nominations of the bloggy friends I feel make me laugh, cry, and think each and every day (which I don't believe have already been nominated by others) ...blogs I look forward to reading on a regular basis... so with no further ado here they are in no particular order....
TundraChic...she cracks me up all the time and I feel a special bond with her. She makes me laugh and sometimes will write what I am thinking before I get the chance to comment on the subject.
Don and Be, this is a special couple Ray and I have had the pleasure of meeting in person at our monthly "waiting families" meetings...they will make terrific parents and we can't wait to meet their daughter when that moment happens!!
Stacy and I have been following each other's blogs for some time now and our friendship really is blossoming, and I feel so blessed to have her as one of my online bloggy pals!!
Elisa's blog is always so uplifting and full of great stories. And I love reading about her son Thomas and look forward to hearing the news (hopefully really soon, fingers crossed over here for her) of the referral of her beautiful baby girl!!
and last but definitely not least....
Gina...she is one of the first bloggy friends I have "met" online and hope that maybe one day we will meet in person (especially since we don't live that far apart)... and Gina is the one who took time out of her busy schedule to design my amazing blog and to even design some "waiting for Chynna" designs for hats, shirts, mugs, buttons, etc. She is one amazing gal!!

Now for my "I am too old story" (I can't believe this happened....):
I went grocery shopping this evening and the cashier who was about 16-17 years old was ringing up my groceries when she notices my fingernails (you all know how unusual they usually are, remember they are still a yellowy-green with Gator Orange and Blue flowers), and she proceeds to tell me how "interesting" they are (okay can't argue with the girl so far, they definitely are "interesting") and then asks me how old I am (not the most appropriate question but hey I don't care so I answer her), "33 going on 34 in June, why?" I ask her (guess I shouldn't have asked, but I did), she told me that "you are too old to have fingernails like that"....WHAT???? I didn't know what to say at that point...guess I better get our my walker soon (or color my hair, guess the grey is showing through again....)...what's a girl to do??!!
Thanks for the nomination! Woo Hoo! It's the lift I needed after the last two days.
If you're old, then I am ancient. :) Don't feel so bad...my students started guessing my age the other day and NONE were close to it. However, I now have a new favorite student because his guesses were all in the 20's...the others can all go take a nap!
First of all, I would like to thank the academy for nominating me ..........
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy our blog. I was going to send myself some anonymous rude comments to spice it up a little. Perhaps I'll leave it ......
Don & Be
I'm with tundrachica. If you're too old I may as well lie down and breathe my last. Do what you want, woman!
Too old? Yikes. Did you tell her she's too young to hear the language you really wanted to share with her after that comment?? :)
OMG....I learned a long time ago not to ask any females under the age of 25 how old I was...the last time I got an answer I almost reached out and choked her, of course my DH (7 years my Jr. got a good laugh out of it). Remember you are as young as you feel and as look as young as your plastic surgeon will let you be!
OH and thanks for nominating me even though I have been a slacker with my blog.
HUMMMM I didn't know there was an age limit on having fun nails. I guess I better retire mine if that is the case cause I'm older than you! Yup I am.......but not my much.
too old....gimmie a break kid. I have a client almost 80! And she loves sparkley pink over her P's and W's so watch your P's and Q's!!! I wish I was there when she said that to you.
Congrats on the Thinker Blogger Award BTW.
Thank you for the nomination. This is going to be a difficult post to do. I will get it done.
I love you and your blog Dannye!
And, that grocery clerk should've kept her mouth shut. That is just rude. Since when is 33 OLD!???
(By the way, I will be 34 in June too, the 15th...what about you?)
I'll tell ya what to do...smack her. And hard!
Age is a state of mind. Youth is wasted on the young! I finally understand what that means!
Keep smilin!
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