Okay, it seems that with the wait times ever increasing, and it appearing that we are all getting the blues, we may need some type of a distraction....
So how's about a swap of one kind or another?
The bib swap seemed to be a success, everyone seemed to have received their bibs and enjoyed themselves...
There's been a couple of other types of swaps suggested...so please let me know which you would be interested in participating in (if you are interested):

A book swap, with this type of a swap I would pair you up with only one other person,cuz this could get expensive with shipping and all. I don't like to set spending limits, and as always would leave that up to the giver.

Or how about a postcard/card exchange...this one I'd pair you up with about 3-4 people (of course depending on how many sign up)....
Or any other ideas???
Let's just try to do something to distract ourselves, have fun, and get to know each other better...So how about it??
Hi Dannye..I'm in. I like them both. I do have another suggestion. How about a onesie swap. I haven't been in one of those yet. Any of them would be good for me.
Cyndi James
Waiting for Alicyn Shea
LID 10/24/06
I'd do a post card one.....or maybe a "province/state" swap to learn more about each other's geography? Too geeky? I know. It's me. :-)
Fun fun!! I like the book swap idea or since it is holiday time...and maybe too late for Halloween stuff..maybe a Thanksgiving idea??
Oh, and if you ever send someone books ask for Media Rate...much cheaper!
I'm all up for a book and a postcard swap!
Hey...just thought of something...in our DTC group with Annslee we did an Alphabet swap and it was really fun. You just send something that starts with the first letter of your child's name. I would send something starting with M, you would do C, etc....
I loved doing wsaps while I was waiting, it def is a great distraction!
I would have to vote for the books! As a teacher, that ABC one sounds pretty cool too! Anything to make this boat move faster!
LID 3/27/06
Shipping can be very cheap if you tell them it is media mail. You are not suppose to put any other correspondence in it however. They rarely check it though.
I am in for both.
e me me me me i;ll do any swap!
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