First the gator got Ray, but as you can see, he doesn't look too frightened at all, and then he got away without even a scratch...

but then that big out gator got ahold of me....don't I look frightened too?? hehe...and Ray saved me too before I could become gator food...

Okay, truth be told, this is part of the Florida Blue Cross Health Insurance "Blue Tour", we stood in front of the green screen and the gator came to us, we giggled, and giggled, and had a great time!! Thanks Blue Cross for the free photos and good time!!
Those are great pictures!
Wicked cool pics!
Keep smilin!
OMG is that ever so funny! Thanks for the smiles and i'm glad Ray saved you from being eaten.
I love it! It looks like you guys had a great time becoming gator food (he-he).
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