Today we are celebrating Ray's graduation from High School (okay so technically it is a celebration of his passing the GED test with such high scores that he received a high school diploma)....my family is getting together for dinner....
it should be loads of fun...I am just so very proud of him!! What an amazing accomplishment!!
Congratulations Ray!!
Congrats Ray...have a great party...
That is a HUGE accomplishment and there should be some BIG partying going on for that man, Ray! Congrats and have fun....btw, sorry it's been so long!
Congratulations Ray!
Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating.
Hope you have a great time., congrats to him!
Woo-hoo.....way to go! Par-tay on!
That is awesome!! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations Ray!! What an accomplishment.
Sherri & Todd
Congratulations Ray!
that is a great accomlishment. Wonderful. Hope you had a fun celebration.
Thanks for coming by my blog. Come by anytime :)
I look forward to getting to know you and hope your wait picks up speed amd flies by..
A wonderful reason to celebrate!
Keep smilin!
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