Okay, so a week ago today I injured my pinkie finger...how you ask?
Well I was closing a three-ring binder and apparently didn't realize my finger was in the way of one of the rings and it closed on it, cutting both sides of my fingernail....we of course I put neosporin on it and put a band-aid...
a few days later my finger really started hurting and getting all fat and just plain gross...finally on Wednesday I couldn't stand it, even if I barely bumped it a horrible pain would shoot from the tip of my finger, I so wanted to cry...
so off to my dr., resulting in a shot of an antibiotic, some really strong oral antibiotics, and advice to keep my pinkie up "so it could drain"...(oh yeah, it got infected, ewwww)...
yesterday on my way into work, driving with my pinkie in the air, other drivers thought I was being friendly and waving to them, so I got lots of waves (too funny)...
but then it started feeling really painful, and now my dr is unavailable so his office tells me to go to a walk-in clinic....
after 3 1/2 hours of waiting, finally my turn to go in...they x-ray my finger to make sure it's not broken (I assured them it wasn't but we did it "to make sure", and lo and behold, not broken....), they tell me they can't do anything ("just make sure you soak it in hot water as often as you can") but give me another antibiotic shot (this time in my rear, ouch!!, I now believe my rear end is bruised, besides my ego that is)...and send me back home...
guess I'll just have to continue waving until my gigantic finger goes back to normal...so if you see a short lady with glasses driving down the street with only her pinkie in the air, just give her a wave (at least she'll get a giggle or two out of this silliness....hehe).
Ouchie! Hope the latest shot helps.
You can now drink tea and without trying, be all proper and such.
Keep smilin!
I'm so sorry your pinkie is on the fritz. Fingers are really painful, there are a lot of nerves.
You don't live near me, or I'd be on the look-out for you.
I hope it feels better soon!
You REALLY gotta watch those three ring binders! You'd better stay away from hole punches too.....:-)
Been busy, but had a minute and just wanted to stop by and say, "hi".
Sorry about your finger. At least the other motorist aren't mistaking it for another finger of choice.
Oh Yeah, my son jammed his finger this week and I tried to unjam it for him. OOOUUUCCCHHHH! He was not thrilled with me.
OMG the weirdest stuff happens to you! We are really sorry that you are so sore but I have to admit that we both laughed our bums off at you being waved at by other drivers.
Hmmmm...darned good thing it isn't your middle finger!
Thank you so much for the card I received in the mail today! Huge Smile...But how did you know?
Oh I hope you feel better!
Oh you poor soul....one of my favorite drinks is a "Pain in the ass"....guess you need one of those too! ;) *wink*
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