Yesterday hubby and I went to get our oil changed in our vehicles. When my car was done, it was parked in this really awkward position that made me nervous about backing out of, so I asked Ray to please turn it around so I could easily drive away, which Ray was happy to do for me....
However this male (sorry but that is the nicest word I can think of for him) makes this comment about how his kids who are about my age, took driver's ed and only drove with the teacher like an hour or two total, got this piece of paper they could take to the driver's license bureau and get their license, and how they are horrible driver's because of it....WTF??? I took such offense to this!!
Anyway, I won't be going there again....
I hear you sister! I was at one of those jiffy lube places, and pulled up to get an oil change. He told me he had to drive it in (company policy), no problem. While I was sitting, waiting for my oil change, I saw 2 guys working there just motion for the MAN customer to just pull it on in himself! I was steaming!
King of bizarre. You aren't the age of someone getting their learners permit. Maybe you look really young though Dannye???
Im so sorry about that and yes, mean people suck!
No kidding! YOu should call and tell them WHY you won't be walking through their door again!
I have hubby get my oil changes for me...I've been creeped out one too many times in those places.
You've got to be kidding me! It sounds like you handled it more gracefully than I would have -- there's no mention here of obscene gestures or choice words...
Rude man!
I cannot reverse into anything or anywhere. The "R" on my shift stands for R-roh. However I can reverse out of any situation...dumb as bricks, that's me.
I couldn't agree with you more on mean people. I have been wanting to make my own bumper sticker to put on my car, but dh won't let me. I use to take my car in for oil changes at places like jiffy lube and such, but when they told me they had to drive my car I ask them for a license and if they had a record....lol
I would have looked at him straight in the the eyes and in a very serious manner asked, "Wanna go for a DRIVE?"
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