the answers children give varies, you know answers like a policeman, fireman, princess, or even tall (okay I admit I wanted to be tall when I grew up, guess I'm still waiting on that one, hehe), but I remember my mom asking me this question and my steadfast answer (nope didn't want to be a frog, hehe) was....

an applesauce maker....I don't know why but I did....I would think about all the ways I could make the applesauce, and I remember thinking about picking apples (now remember I have lived in Fla all my life, and nope I have never, and still to this day, seen an apple tree nor picked apples, but we had orange and tangerine trees so I could visualize this) and then thought I had to get these hard apples to be mushy so the obvious thing to do...step on them with your bare feet (oh and you had to have clean feet, otherwise this would have been gross, hehe) til they were good and mushy and then put the mush in bowls and serve it up...viola applesauce for one and all...mmmm good (guess I had heard or seen the thing about making wine by stepping on grapes, hehe)...nope I never did become an applesauce maker (obviously), but it still tickles me to remember how much thought I put into this career goal....

(nope not a picture of me as a child, I just thought she looked like how I pictured an applesauce maker, hehe)...anyone up for some toe jam applesauce???
what about you...what fun career goals did you set for yourself as a child?
Hmmm....I was going to be a mom...that's the only 'career goal' I had when I was very little.
Funny how life works out.
I wanted to be Julie from the Love Boat.
I wanted to be a nurse or teacher or someone who made hallmark cards
I always wanted to be a teacher. As far back as I can remember I LOVED to play school. :)
I've lost your e-mail -
THANK YOU for the t-shirt. It came yesterday, and I LOVE IT. Thanks!!!!
My bestest memory of living back east while going to college was going to the apple orchard and picking a huge bag of apples. Both my roommate and I each paid $5 for a bag the size of a medium shopping bag. We filled them to the rim, got home and realized we picked way too many once we started making pies and had 10 made with still one whole bag of apples sitting on the floor waiting. That's when we got creative and made some applesauce but only with kitchen toes.
We want to take M to an orange orchard during our visit...perhaps we could meet in the orange aisle there. :)
OH yea...saw another license plate yesterday...made me think of you
You know, I remember in kindergarten we had to draw a picture of what we wanted to be. I only knew I didn't want to be a nurse, didn't like their hats, dresses, or shoes... so that's what I drew and I put, "I don't want to be a nurse" (my mom probably wrote it for me). Well, they changed the uniform and HERE I AM. Nurse and all.
LOL! That is so funny! An applesauce maker!
I wanted to be a nurse, a teacher, and a vet- in that order.
Your are certifiable. That's why we love you.
I always wanted to be a big sister!
An architect. From sixth grade pretty much until I went to college, when for whatever reason, I majored in poli sci. I still wish I were an architect!
My brother always said he wanted to be a volunteer football team on TV.
You are a one-of-a-kind, Dannye.
I have NEVER heard of a kid dreaming of being an applesauce maker.
As a kid I think I always thought I would be a teacher when I grew up. Now I just don't know what I'm gonna be...
Forgot to answer the real question earlier. I wanted to be a...hmmmm.....well, to be honest. I loved school...even though I wasn't very good at it in the high school years. But I have done a total of 21 years of it and I teach it. Must be love!
I remember why you chose applesauce maker. Angie Green was eating an apple one day and holding a tennis racquet. She rubbed the apple across the strings and told me that was the start of making applesauce. I showed this to you...and a career was born!
Katy :)
I wanted to be a Play Boy Bunny!I guess it was the lure of the costumes!
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