I have been so very emotional lately, you look at me wrong and I start to cry (unfortunately this has been happening at work lately, and I work in a law office)...this reminds me of a funny that happened yesterday at work....I was not having that great of a day (although it was Friday) and was getting "constructive criticism" (yeah right, rolling eyes) from my boss for hours on end, and I couldn't help it, the water works started (thankfully once he left for lunch) once I got a moment to myself in the restroom....I guess that is what I needed cuz I began to feel somewhat better...I washed my face, dried my eyes, and went back to work...one of my co-workers came in to check on me since I was so quiet...asked me some questions work-related and those darned tears started again...so what does she do...well have you seen the movie League of Their Own (Geena Davis, Madonna, Rosie O'Donnell, Tom Hanks, to name a few of the big names), this is a story where women get to play professional baseball during wartime...anyway Tom Hanks has this one line in that movie which cracks me up...."There's no crying in baseball".....that is what my co-worker tells me (now mind you, she doesn't know this is one of my all-time fav movies...although it makes me cry too...wow, I must be a real weepy kinda gal now that I think about it....), so I can't help but laugh at this....it did the trick...

Then I wonder why I am feeling so emotional, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the wait extending and extending....everyone posting about what Rumor Queen says (something about the possibility of not getting our Chynna til 2010), and I know my Aunt Flo isn't visiting soon (just happened) so PMS is ruled out...what could it be??? Well it is then that I see what it probably is....tonite is the full moon!! Now that explains everything....I always get weepy when the moon gets full...yeah that's my story, I'm sticking with that....just remember when the moon gets full tell the ones you love "there's no crying in baseball" and everything will get better instantly....
With the menopausal symptoms that I have...even though I am too young...I have been doing a lot of weeping lately too. Hubby says he prefers that over the mad-eye maniac attitude. Hmmm...I wonder why? But I hear ya...this has happened to me at school while working with the kids and just the other day while working out. I was able to hold it in until I got to the shower...then I just let loose. Crying can be such a detoxing process that there are times it just feels good to cry.
I'll be excited for the daylight to get a bit shorter so we can see the moon again.
Aw honey, I am sorry to hear about your Friday being so crappy. It sounded like mine too. I normally have great Fridays but my boss was out of town and he called on a layover at the airport to have a last-minute conference call with me and another boss because he had to get something to corporate right away. I had to cancel lunch plans with my co-workers and the spreadsheet took most of the day.
I hope you are feeling better and I giggle when I think of Tom Hanks saying that line. I love that movie.
I love that movie too. That is a great line. I think it is the expression on his face that makes it!
I hope you can relax this weekend. Dance to the full moon and smile!
Maybe not in baseball, but it's definitely allowed in adoption waits. You shed 'em if you need to.
I so LOVE when people throw a witty movie line at you(especially in a moment like that). Hope you're feeling better today Dannye. I thought of you when I almost weed whacked a toad- thank God I noticed him before he got sliced. I helped him get away into the neighbors yard!
Dannye & Ray,
We only have access to a laptop at this time, and unfortunately, your e-mail address is stored in the other computer. We are still planning on tomorrow in spite of the events of the week - in fact we would welcome the diversion - please zap us an e-mail @ duoloco@cfl.rr.com so we can connect.
Don & Be
I HAVE BEEN FEELING EXACTLY the same! Look at me wrong, and I dissolve into tears. Don't know why. My poor husband has taken the brunt of it, though. It's just starting to get better now, but oh boy, when I get hormonal, you'd better not be a grumpy man in the grocery store!!!! :-)
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