While we wait for our turn (and wait, and wait, and wait), we have been so fortunate to have in our area a monthly get-together of families in all stages of the "game", from paperchasing to home from China. We get together the 3rd Monday of each month at this awesome Chinese restaurant, have monthly speakers, and just get to know each other.
Well, being that tonite is the 3rd Monday of month....I can't wait to see the cutie faces of those recently home from China, the joy in the faces of those that just received their referrals, and well just socializing with all in general.
What do you all do to help pass the time during this ever increasing wait???
A group like that sounds very supportive. For me, I don't find the wait too bad as I already have one child through adoption. He takes up any space I saved for my brooding. I do think waiting for the first child is harder than subsequent ones. Hope the wait gets shorter for you.
I eat chocolate. And then work it off. Then I repeat. :-)
I would be lost without you and all of our blogger buddies. I also just try to keep busy and focus on the present and what I have verses what I am waiting for.
Pack up all our belongings and move to the arctic of Alaska. That's what we do.
I love monthly get togethers. Our agency group does this to, plus having other friends adopting and going out with them helps too.
Other than that..lots of home improvement passes the time!
Lucky you....that is really special. I have some play groups....but you my friend are lucky! ;)
Janet has me pegged.
I love my bloggy support too.
Hope you had a good time tonight --what a great support system!
As for passing the time while you wait? Hmmm...blogging seems to eat up a lot of my time (although I know I am not waiting).
Monthly dinners with our adoption group and copious amounts of red wine ... ;o)
What an honor to sit at the table with LayDFrog in the flesh. Enjoyed having dinner with you and Ray last night and we 've got to try that Chinese burrito concoction you 2 had.
Along with many, blogging not only takes up some of the wait time, but provides additional support as well(along with the 3rd Monday night meetings) and also makes available good prayer points for me to support others on the journey.
Aside from blogging, we are fortunate to get out to community events as well as shows. Retirement will tell if I can stand the test of time and wait without going nuts.
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