Last night at our waiting families meeting, I opened my fortune cookie, and my fortune was "Something with 4 wheels will soon be a fun investment for you"....how did the fortune cookie gods know???
My car has been acting really nutty (yes it is the car, and not the driver....), things like driving along and the clutch pedal will drop to the floor, and then all of a sudden come back (enough so to make you feel nutty yourself, hehe), or the check engine light coming on (yes I opened the hood and made sure the engine was still there, don't know why it wanted me to look...hehehe), so I've been looking.
Guess the fortune cookie gods are trying to tell me to quit looking and start getting serious...and who am I to disobey???? I think I found my car, what do you think??

That would seriously be the perfect car for you!
That looks PERFECT for you!
Uh oh ;0)
You are a CRAZY woman, that's why I love you so much. Looks like a great investment (lol).
Yep! That has your name written all over it!
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