Okay, so after lots of gentle reminders from my mom (especially since she is getting her last Hep B vaccination tomorrow), Ray and I started our series of shots today. Of course after we explained to the doctors how we "had to record our shots" b/c we wanted to prove to our daughter the pains we went through to be able to bring her home, they relunctantly allowed us to take photographic evidence of this blessed event.
Ray of course had loads of fun watching me wince in agony (okay it didn't really hurt but the anticipation made it worse than it really was).

When it was Ray's turn, I totally forgot that I had previously gotten three shots b/c I got to watch him get injected three times (it's always better when it is someone else getting it, at least in my world it is). However, Ray had to be a "man" about it ("it doesn't hurt", "see I can take it"), although I know in my heart that he was "wimpering" inside.
Now we just have to go back again in a month, and then for our final ones in six months (and hopefully going to China shortly thereafter).
All I have to say is.....becoming Chynna's mom is soooooo worth the vaccination shots.
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