When we left for Hong Kong what a sad sad day. There was a mix up with some paperwork that was thought to be lost of another family (when in actuality it was mistakenly given to another family who had it in their document bag), so we didn't get a chance to say a proper goodbye to our amazing guide Veronica. Poor Veronica was so upset because she thought it was her fault that she cried and cried and couldn't speak. We felt awful that was the last thing that happened after our amazing time with her.
We traveled by train to Hong Kong and got to see parts of the countryside of China. How different than what we were exposed to, saw such poverty. So sad how some people
have to live.
Once we got to Hong Kong, things were so different than what we experienced in China. The people there appear to be much ruder than China, no such thing as personal space nor standing in any lines, and the hotel was not very accommodating (we had to wait over an hour for the crib to be delivered after my having to call the front desk numerous times, it was late and Chynna was beyond tired as it was well after her bedtime and they insisted it would be delivered right away every time I spoke to them). Maybe I was just ready to start the trek home.
The next day we did, and what an amazing little traveler our Chynna is. She did a great job on the long trip back to the States, but was so tired. I felt so bad, our friends Cyndi and Dean were there to meet us, first we get lost trying to find them, and they were there waiting with a gorgeous sign welcoming Chynna home and had a camera ready, but we didn't get to give them that joy of surprising us. We had to call them and they had to find us. Oh well, guess we'd never do well on the Amazing Race. We had a fantastic visit we got to have with them, but Chynna was freaking out and I felt bad for Cyndi and Dean. I just think she was overly tired, since as soon as we made it through security waiting on our plane she fell right to sleep.
There was definitely a difference in the flight from Hong Kong to San Francisco than the one from San Francisco back home. On the long flight from Hong Kong everyone was so accommodating to the babies getting us whatever we needed if we needed anything. However the shorter flight back here in the States, well let's just say we felt like we were the unwanteds on the plane. Not accommodating and just plain awful, but we made it back home. Dorothy had it right, there is no place like home.
We had some other friends (Don, Be, and J. Mei) who met us at the airport. Had a great visit with them, and Chynna (after sleeping lots on the short flight) was a much happier baby. Once Dad, my brother and my sister in law picked us up at the airport, she was all smiles and giggles for my family (including my aunt, cousin, and her brother who were anxiously waiting at home for us to finally arrive at home).
Chynna has adjusted really well and quite quickly to the new time and doesn't appear to be suffering from the jet lag (can't really say that 100% of Mom, lol). She's an amazing little girl, and we are so blessed that she is now officially part of our family. This has been the best journey ever. Now we will begin another journey, the journey of life with two amazing children.