She has been an amazing baby. What a day yesterday was. We got up early as we had to meet down in the lobby at 5:30 a.m. to head to the airport, it was Gotcha Day after all. We were supposed to have a 7:40 a.m. flight out of Beijing to Nanchang, but unfortunately after we loaded our plane, the fog rolled in, and it was so thick you couldn't even see the planes on either side of us sitting really close to us. We ended up sitting on the plane for over 4 hours waiting for air traffic control to release us and for the fog to finally roll out. And then we were in the air, on the way to our daughter's province. The pilot did an amazing job and made up some time in the air, and we finally landed. But due to the lateness of our arrival, we were really cutting it short on time. We arrived at the hotel and as we were checking in we could hear our babies crying but couldn't determine where or I think they would have had a stampede on their hands of the anxious parents wanting to finally see and hold their precious ones, I know I wanted to run towards that fabulous noise. But yet I had to restrain myself and head up to our room to meet back down in 10 minutes for the ceremony. We received our bags, I dumped the suitcases to find Chynna's lovey, and some dolls to take down in case she was upset. And then we flew as fast as our feet would carry us down the elevator to the meeting room. We were allowed in the room and there were our precious baby girls. I looked at Chynna at first and thought I recognized her, but then another baby girl was holding her key ring we sent in the care package so I got really confused, and like a bad mommy had convinced myself that was our Chynna, but in reality my good friend Kim had already told me,, no that is not your Chynna, the first baby was and she was right. My adorable baby girl was the first one I had thought (silly key ring for confusing this easily confused mommy, lol). The time came to deliver the babies. We were second, and she came right to me, happy as a clam. I did scare her a bit when I tried to give her kiss and she immediately pulled back and started whimpering a bit, so I backed off and spoke the little bit of mandarin I learned while waiting (hello, don't cry, and I love you). She looked at me quite funny but quit whimpering and started to feel my face after insisting that I take my glasses off so she could look into my eyes. She was quite fascinated with my nose, she would pull it, tug it, and grasp it anyway she could, but I didn't care. After all this time I was finally holding my Chynna. She stayed happy and went down easy for bed the first time. But after about half an hour to hour she woke up and was confused and seemed scared and missing the only home she's known, her foster family. She wouldn't allow me to sit and hold her, we had to keep right on walking, so we did, around the room and in the halls, with her just trying to throw herself backwards and crying off and on. After some hours of this I had to sit down, to lay down myself to sleep, so I woke Ray and he took over and got her right to sleep after walking her in the hall some singing to her. And alas at about 11:30 p.m., she finally was asleep for the night. This morning I had to wake her up as we had to have breakfast before our appointment at the civil affairs office. We got her dressed, had breakfast (she ate some eggs, congee, watermelon, peach), and headed over to the civil affairs office to finalize the adoption. Chynna loved the bus ride over, we got there and went in, waited our turn, answered some questions, got our family picture taken, paid our fees and donation, and then it was finalized. She's ours in the eyes of China. We still have a ways to go til we head home, but we are enjoying our time here in China and loving the time with our baby girl. Now here are some pictures for you to enjoy too.