Okay so I admit it, I've been a slacker in my postings and haven't really blogged about much...so this post is a catch up on the goings-on in my life that I've been photographing but not blogging about, sorry if it is long, but hey I've got lots to show and tell about.
So here it goes:
My sister is pregnant with her second child (and due to have him 12/8), we are so very excited for her and can't wait to welcome Andrew into our family. Here's some pictures of my sister at her shower, etc:

and at a luncheon, our really hottie waiter Jay with Joanna Mei
(Don and Be's daughter):

and at Halloween, my great niece and nephew came over before heading out for the night (can't believe how fast they are growing up):

then just recently, my Mom and I attended the last Super Soap Weekend at Disney Hollywood Studios and got to see Susan Lucci:

and some of the General Hospital cast too:

it was a beautiful day at Cinderella's castle:

and the Country Bears sang wonderfully (and such refreshment in the a/c from the Fla. heat):

we even saw some Disney ducks and even a Disney chicken (yes our family always seems to take pictures of birds for some reason):

and we went to Monsters Inc Laugh Floor:

and later found out "we're not worthy"....

Just this past weekend we celebrated my nephew Adam's 9th birthday (which isn't until 12/10, but since his brother will be born 12/8, we celebrated a little early):

he even had a "special guest" at the party...yes it's an armadillo and it's alive, and boy is he a quick little guy when you are just trying to make him a celebrity and take his picture, after "hiding" I finally convinced him that he'd make a great blogging subject so he posed:

So that's my life lately, hope I didn't bore you too much!!