Yesterday was a sad day in our house....our digital camera died....it joined our family in early 2004, has been through good and bad times with us from parties to births to funerals...it was our first digital camera that gave us lots of good memories that will be remembered for all times (through the great photos saved on the SIM card)....
And the really sad part, no pictures from Halloween yesterday...Ray dressed as a Medieval Knight and I was a Gothic Princess...honest we were!!
So after an appropriate mourning period...probably thru Saturday...we will have to replace our camera....any suggestions???
I am so sorry for your loss. Same thing happened to me a month or so ago. I got the Canon Rebel XTI, amazing camera. Point and shoot or manual settings, you can interchange lenses...
It's da bomb.
Too bad!
I am a fan of Canon. Easy to use. Good shots. Just enough bells and whistles.
Keep smilin!
I'm so sorry about "Digi's" passing. I hope you can replace it soon. They say it's better to get another one quickly, or you might never do it.....:-)
Oh so sorry about your camera. But, at least you get to get a new one. Right?
I'm bad at picking camera's so no advice.
Would have loved to see your costumes though!
I LURVE the Casio Exilim. It is super fast, which you need when kids are so cute and fast themselves and nice and small. We have the 2850.
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