Woo hoo, we got an email from our agency congratulating us on completing the referral phase of the adoption, and indicating we have now moved on to the travel phase.

What does this mean you may ask? Well, it means we have seen our Chynna (she is gorgeous), learned some information about her (which we are quite excited to know), and are just now waiting for our travel approval while we gather all our documents needed to travel. We are still a little ways out from going to China, but are hoping we will be traveling maybe the first week in November (thanks to the trade show in China our travel will be a little delayed).
Hold on baby girl, we are trying to move Heaven and Earth to get there, and with the help of our travel advisor and our agency, it'll be here before we know it (at least I hope so)!!
woo hoo!! that's awesome! did you guys use GW to book your travel, or did you use someone else? Any info you can give would be fantastic!
More Happy Dancing at our house!
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