You Are a Red Pen |
![]() You have an eagle eye for detail, and this often means you end up finding mistakes in people's work. You may seem quick to criticize or correct, but you think accuracy and truth is important. You like to be involved in every project. You feel like you put the polishing touch on things. You would make a good editor, detective, or accountant. When facts matter, you're the person to call on. |
This blog was set up to journal the wait for Chynna, who is from Jiangxi China (we were LID 7/14/06, and received our referral 8/29/11). I am so happy you are joining in this amazing journey.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wacky Wed...What office supply are you (and Happy New Year)
Enjoy the last Wacky Wed of 2009....have a safe and happy new year!! Hopefully 2010 will be the year of Chynna!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wacky Wed...what kind of Santa would you be
Happy holidays to all our friends and family.....maybe this time next year Chynna will be celebrating with us!!
You Would Be a Fun Santa |
![]() In your opinion, Christmas is all about the kids. You love the magic and joy it brings to them. You love to spoil children with gifts, even if they aren't your own kids. You remember how exciting Christmas morning was when you were a kid. You think that a spirit of generosity and innocence are nice. It's all about how much you give. You think that needy and pushy adults are naughty. You hate it when people ruin the holiday for the kids. |
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wacky Wed...are you a reindeer or an elf
You Are An Elf |
![]() You are highly creative and artistic. You are good at working hard. While you love to work, you also love to play. You have a naughty side to you! You love pulling pranks and teasing people. You always seem to be getting into some sort of trouble. People can rely on you to be industrious and responsible... but you're going to have fun while you're getting stuff done. |
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
thank you secret pal
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
New Contest to support
A good friend of ours is holding a contest on her facebook.
Check it out here and help support a great friend who doesn't hesitate to help others.
Check it out here and help support a great friend who doesn't hesitate to help others.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wacky Wed...what kind of brownie are you?
You Are a Caramel Brownie |
![]() You are a very sweet person. Even when you get yourself in to binds, people know that your heart is in the right place. You're the type of guy or gal that people never forget. There is something "sticky" about you - you stick in people's brain's. You are act naturally. You let the world see who you are, flaws and all. You're a little chaotic and even messy, but you're okay with that. You can be a bit hyper and unfocused at times. You don't stay organized - but that's part of your charm! |
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
40 months LID and Wacky Wed....what
It's been 40 months since LID for Chynna (actually on the 14th)....we have got to be going to bring her home in 2010....we've just gotta be!!
Funny, but I brush with Cinnamon toothpaste each morning, maybe I should change to bubblegum flavored, mmmmm

Funny, but I brush with Cinnamon toothpaste each morning, maybe I should change to bubblegum flavored, mmmmm
You Are Bubblegum Flavored Toothpaste |
![]() You are impulsive about most things in life, and you can't say no to fun! You are always in search of a new adventure. You try to lighten up every task and bring a little zing to your day. You like whimsical little treats, like bubblegum Like everyone else, you have your struggles and problems in life. Unlike everyone else, you don't let the difficulty of life get you down. The world may be a harsh place, but knowing that you can bring sunshine into other people's lives keeps you going. |
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wacky Wed...what fall fruit or veggie are you most like
You Are Apples |
![]() You have simple tastes in food, and you appreciate a basic, clean flavor. You don't think eating or cooking should be complicated. In fact, you're really not one for cooking much at all. Your best meals come together quickly and don't require many ingredients. If anything, you're the type of person who's more likely to pull out the oven mitts and bake every so often. Chocolate chip cookies are one of your favorite things to smell baking, and it goes without saying that you love apple pie. |
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wacky Wed....what kind of celebrity would you be?
You Would Be a Down to Earth Celebrity |
![]() You aren't easily impressed or star struck, and if you were to become famous, it wouldn't change your own opinion about yourself. You'd still treat everyone as you always have, and more importantly, you wouldn't expect to be treated any differently. You'd be friendly to your fans and as accessible as possible. After all, they're the ones who make you famous. You'd be a celebrity in the mold of Kate Winslet, Renee Zellweger, John Mayer, and Ashton Kutcher. |
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wacky Wed...what color pumpkin are you?
You Are an Orange Pumpkin |
![]() You are a bit average and ordinary, but that's a good thing. People appreciate you for who you are. You believe life's too short to not forgive and forget. You try to let the small stuff slide and focus on what's important. You appreciate the ordinary things that most people ignore - good friends, a warm home, a tasty meal. There's so much to be thankful for in your life that you would feel wrong to complain too much! |
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wacky Wed...what kind of Chinese food are you?
You Are Beef and Broccoli |
![]() You are a smart, no nonsense type of person. You are very low maintenance compared to most people. You are often thinking of everyone else but yourself. You feel the most comfortable when you are putting yourself last. You tend to order quickly yet carefully from the menu of life. You don't have a lot of time to agonize over decisions. By doing the best you can in each moment, you've done pretty well in life. People truly respect and admire you. |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
39 months LID and Wacky Wed....

You Are a Pumpkin Latte |
![]() You are energetic and fun loving. You get into the spirt of every season, but fall is definitely your favorite time. You are excited for the change of seasons, and you love the spirit and togetherness it brings. You love to do everything related to fall - whether it's celebrating Halloween and Thanksgiving or going to check out the changing leaves. You truly immerse yourself in the season. You always miss autumn when it's gone, but you make the most of it while it's here. |
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wacky Wed...what autumn smell are you?
You Are Wood Burning in the Fireplace |
![]() You love to feel cozy and content. After a summer of fun, fall is the perfect time for you to kick back. Autumn is when you calm down and turn inward. It's the time of year that you start to slow down. You take time to savor the season. You appreciate every falling leaf and every warm drink in your hand. You sometimes wish it were fall all year. You try to make each moment last as long as possible. |
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wacky Wed...what is your primary mood color?
Your Primary Mood Color is Blue |
![]() You are a sensitive and reflective person. You have a good intuition for emotions. You can sense what people are feeling and even sometimes what they are thinking. You communicate well, and you're also a good listener. You cherish your friends, and every word they say is important to you. You are always there for the people you love, and you expect the same in return. You crave deep connection and understanding. |
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wacky Wed...are you protein, carbs, or fat
Good thing it didn't tell me I was fat...I may have gotten my feelings hurt...
You Are Carbs |
![]() You are a very energetic and seductive person. You tend to be driven by your impulses, and people often find you tempting. Often your energy is brief and almost manic. You have a lot of ups and downs if you're not careful. When you take care of yourself, you feel alert, balanced, and satisfied. You can live a very balanced life if you play your cards right. When you don't take care of yourself, your life is a nightmare. You can be moody, cranky, and unpredictable. |
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wacky Wed...what Beatles song are you?
And I love this song!!
You are "Let It Be" |
![]() You are philosophical, balanced, and wise. You try not to worry about things you can't change. You can let go and find peace in troubling times. You believe in controlling what's on the inside. You know that you can't create or predict the future. You just have to let it unfold. The answer will eventually come to you. All you have to do is wait. |
Monday, September 14, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wacky Wed...what does your eye color say about you
Your Brown Eyes Say You're Clever and Witty |
![]() You are seen as brilliant and irreverent. You speak your mind, and people love you for it. You don't let other people see any insecurities you might have. You like to present a brave front. You are sharp as a tack and very quick on your feet. You're the first to get or tell a joke. You are also clear thinking in a crisis. You are an excellent problem solver. |
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wacky Wed...what grade should you teach? and happy birthday Jimmy!
First I wanted to wish my brother Jimmy a very happy birthday....hope your day does not include a pie in the face at work!! I love you very much!!
Secondly, I wanted to say, how can I teach the Fifth Grade when I'm not smarter than a Fifth Grader....hehe
Secondly, I wanted to say, how can I teach the Fifth Grade when I'm not smarter than a Fifth Grader....hehe
You Should Teach Fifth Grade |
![]() You are laid back. You have a great sense of humor and figure "kids will be kids." You have a lot of energy and endurance. It is hard for kids to wear you down. You're able to roll with a rowdy classroom if you need to, but you also know how to keep students in line. You are flexible and spontaneous. You can throw the whole plan out the window, if you need to. |
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wacky Wed...what kind of book are you?
You Are Mystery |
![]() You are a natural problem solver. You like figuring out the best way to do something. You are very intuitive. You are good at picking up on people's moods and predicting the future. You can't help but being a bit of a detective and a snoop. You always want to know what's going on. And while you may have the scoop on everyone you know, you're not a gossip. You're a pro at keeping secrets. |
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wacky Wed...The Wacky Fortune Cookie Generator
Thought this was appropriate considering my 8th anniversary was yesterday....
Your Fortune Is: It is better to lose a lover than love a loser. |
![]() Follow these wise words carefully. |
Monday, August 17, 2009
37 months LID-versary (late posting)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wacky Wed...what kind of salad are you?
You Are a Caesar Salad |
![]() You are very popular and easy to love. You strike a cord with people. You are friendly and careful not to offend anyone. You try hard to get along. And while you may avoid controversy, you are still very sincere. People love that about you. You are dependable and steady. With you, what you see is what you get. |
Monday, August 10, 2009
Another big thanks to my secret pal
Tonite I came home to a package awaiting me on the table.....I couldn't wait to see what my secret pal had spoiled Chynna with this month, and what a great gift it was:

I can't wait to see Chynna carrying this around and coloring in her coloring book with the great crayons on the tote bag....
thanks again secret pal (oh and thanks for the other one too!!)
I can't wait to see Chynna carrying this around and coloring in her coloring book with the great crayons on the tote bag....
thanks again secret pal (oh and thanks for the other one too!!)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Wacky Wed..are you philosophically Eastern or Western
You Are Western |
![]() You see yourself as an individual - and you're driven to be as successful and happy as possible. You know you only have one life, so you want to live it as well as you possibly can. You see life as a service. You believing in serving yourself, your family, your friends, and even the world. You believe that one person can change the world, and you'd like that person to be you. |
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wacky Wed...Are you Impatient?
guess I have to be patient to keep my sanity during this long wait...
You Are Very Patient |
![]() You are an incredibly patient soul. You rarely get rattled or frustrated. You are willing to let others take their time... even if it means you must wait. You have the makings of a great teacher, parent, or leader. You are able to deal with people's annoyances and quirks. You don't let yourself get angry. |
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wacky Wed...what kind of shorts are you?
Anyone who knows me thinks this is funny....energetic and hyper??? really???
You Are Running Shorts |
![]() You are an energetic and hyper person. You are always on the go. You are driven and motivated. You can always make it to the finish line. You're confident and self-assured. You know you're not perfect, but you're pretty darn happy with who you are. You are conscientious and responsible. You are able to do the right thing, even when it's not the easy thing. |
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wacky Wed...what frozen treat are you?
You Are a Snow Cone |
![]() You are lighthearted, playful, and optimistic about the world. You're always having fun, and you're not the type to turn down anything sweet. People might be surprised to know that you're very sensitive. Even though you put on a brave face, your feelings are easily wounded. |
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Wacky Wed...what pet are you like?
You Are Like a Dog |
![]() You are a natural best friend. You are very loyal and faithful. In your eyes, your friends can do no wrong. You will stick with them no matter what. You have a protective streak, and you can be downright nasty if you're being threatened. More than anything else, you are playful and laid back. You truly live in the moment. |
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Give away on another site (ends 7/6/09)

* * * * * * * * *
Another blog Diana Rambles is giving away a giant fortune cookie thru to one of her lucky readers. This giveaway will go through 11:59pm on Monday, July 6. The winner will be picked via on July 7 and be posted on her blog. The winner will be notified and has 48 hours to respond. It is open to US & Canada addresses only. and are sister sites run by the same family. I really like that they are a family focused company. The couple who owns it brings their baby to work along with them. What an awesome business! They specialize in not just giant fortune cookies but gourmet fortune cookies. All available with custom sayings. The fortune cookies come in about 20 different flavors and colors. They make their own cookies fresh to order and ship them directly from Indiana. There are unlimited possibilities to how these cookies can be used!
Take a moment and too could be a winner.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Wacky Wed...what Mexican food are you?
You Are Nachos |
![]() You are outgoing and generous. You love to share you life with other people. You are carefree and light-hearted. You try to always make the best of things. While you enjoy being with other people, you also value your alone time. You like to reflect, think, and pick things apart. You like to study everything carefully. |
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Wacky Wed...what is your gift?
Kinda silly quiz, but since it is my birthday today, I thought this title was kinda funny for a Wacky Wed...
Your Gift Is Energy |
![]() You are easily excitable, and you love to be on the go. You crave intensity. You need to live a dynamic, interesting, and challenging life. Otherwise, you get bored. It's hard for you to relax. You're constantly being inspired to do something. You're the type of person who finds success, innovation, and creativity easy. |
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thank you Cyndi and Dean for the birthday pressies
Yesterday I came home to this box waiting for me, from our good friends Cyndi and Dean, who are so thoughtful, for my birthday (which is tomorrow).

Not only did I get these great presents....
(we will be putting some lucky money in these lucky money envelopes)

(these frogs are great, how did you know, hehe)

(We miss you guys this Missing you figurine)

but they also got some presents for Chynna (and .....)
Isn't this the cutest hat they had made in Washington? Can't wait to see it on Chynna's little head...

and I will be playing with these finger puppets very soon!!

Wow!! I am so spoiled.Thank you Cyndi and Dean, we love and miss you guys!!
Not only did I get these great presents....
(we will be putting some lucky money in these lucky money envelopes)
(these frogs are great, how did you know, hehe)
(We miss you guys this Missing you figurine)
but they also got some presents for Chynna (and .....)
Isn't this the cutest hat they had made in Washington? Can't wait to see it on Chynna's little head...
and I will be playing with these finger puppets very soon!!
Wow!! I am so spoiled.Thank you Cyndi and Dean, we love and miss you guys!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wacky Wed...Are You High Maintenance?
You Are Medium Maintenance |
![]() Like everyone else, you have some things you are particular about. You're not too annoying about it, and you're able to go with the flow most of the time. You've learned to stand your ground on what matters but also make compromises from time to time. You have good taste. Too bad not everyone shares it. |
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