It was from our good friends Cyndi and Dean....they are just so very kind to us...they always are right on top of sending cards and whatnots for whatever holiday approaches...and this was no exception to their rule.
With St. Patty's Day approaching, they thought of us when purchasing these great gifts...
the cool card and envelope all decked out:
and what St. Patty's Day is complete without a frog dressed as an Easter Bunny (okay so this is really to celebrate Leap Year, St. Patty's and Easter all rolled into one gift...he's green, he hops, and he's disguised as a rabbit, 'nough said)....
and the wind-up butterfly is too cool too...
and last, but not least, a light up frog with jelly beans....yummy!!
Thanks again guys, and I can't wait til May to meet you in the Mouse House, during the Year of the Rat!!
Way to go Cyndi and Dean. Cool Stuff and very nice of you. :)
Cool stuff! You always get nice things!
We are so glad that you liked what we sent. We can't wait to meet you in May!! That is going to be so much fun!
Cyndi & Dean :)
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