Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finally getting closer

Well we are getting closer to seeing our little girl's face, and we can't wait. It has been a long road, but I know it is all in God's timing. The CCAA now known as the CCCWA is working on matching and the last matching process was through June 20, 2006. So almost 5 years later since our LID (and 5 1/2 years since we started the process), we are very close to seeing her face. I'm guessing about 3-5 more months.

In the meantime, we will start some more fundraising, so stay tuned for posts on those. However, if you can donate (any amount), it would be greatly appreciated. Costs are on the rise, and any help, any amount, is appreciated. I have added a chip in button on the side and also a donate button.

Thanks for continuing to follow along on our really long journey to Chynna!

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