we wouldn't have any luck at all....
Wow, what a week...first on Monday night on our way home from work, Ray and I get rear-ended (in the car we bought in May) while sitting at a red light...guy didn't even stop til he hit us (like we were his brakes or something)...there was an accident on the side of the road, motorcyclist hit and the driver of the car that hit us was too busy talking on his cell phone and "rubbernecking" to see the other accident to even notice our brakelights in front of him...luckily we didn't get hurt, but a little sore (my car different story but could have been lots worse...rear bumper smooshed and dents in the tail lift...amazing car my '07 Ford Escape!!)....
then our next door neighbor got air lifted to the hospital Friday morning...always nice to wake up and have an ambulance and fire truck and police cars in front of your house....of course even though I was still in my jammies I had to go outside and see what was the matter...and be there for his wife...she is a strong woman...held it together like this was just another ordinary day (while I silently prayed that he would be okay)...which he was (his wife called us to let us know no stroke, no heart attack, but mild case of pneumonia...so they are keeping him a couple of days for observation and to get him healthy again!!!).....
then my mom calls me and seems my sister decided she too wanted to visit the ER...she too seems to be fine, but will be staying for an overnight visit (of course more prayers said....glad He is listening....)...
and then because on Sunday we are going to Tampa to celebrate CNY, Ray and I went shopping tonight...I needed a new blouse and Ray needed new pants...I find this amazing blouse and of course buy it....well when I get home I take it out of the bag to go hang it up and I think, hmmm this is a little heavy and upon closer inspection I realize the sales clerk FORGOT to remove the theft deterrent....great now what the heck am I supposed to do?? and the crazier thing, we went through two major department stores and no alarms....what the heck??? So I guess I will be bringing it back to the store so they can remove the useless thing....
bring on the weekend....let's hope this was the end of the bad luck run....
Boy, you have had quite a week. Thank God your ok and weren't hurt in the accident. I have had that happen so many times with the anti theft device I can't tell you. Now, I watch and make sure they take the darn thing off. It is irritating. Have a great weekend.
Oh Dannye, I'm sorry to hear about your week.
BUT, I am glad that you and Ray weren't hurt in the accident. I will keep your neighbor and your sister in my prayers - yes, it is a good thing that He always listens.
I hope your weekend is going very well.
Love ya!
Oh honey, it's got to get better from here on out. Wow, that's a lot to go through for one week. I'm glad you guys are ok after the car accident.
I just wanted to stop by and say I hope your weekend was nice and that you have a GREAT week...
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