Thursday, September 22, 2011

We received our TA!!!

Yes, we did, today we received our travel approval....what does this mean? Well, now we wait for our Consulate Appointment but we are more than likely leaving on a jet plane bound for China 6 weeks from today (breathe, breathe) meaning on November 3!!!

We are so close to holding Chynna in our arms and I have experienced every spectrum of the emotional coaster since receiving the news at 4:05 p.m. today!!


Kim :) said...

...and a HUGE thank you to you from me!! I did NOT hear (or feel) the blackberry vibrate!! You were my TA deliver-er!! Thank you, sweet friend!!

Unknown said...

I was visiting someone else's blog and saw this post in her blogroll and recognized this picture - LOL. That was my picture I took when we announced our TA way back when in the spring of 2010 -- I used ladybug chocolate candies I had and set them up on red material and used the gold bow from the chocolates for the A. So funny to see it in circulation! :)

Congrats to you on your TA!

Unknown said...

Would you mind sending me an email? I'd really like to hear where you got my TA picture when you get a chance!