Monday, August 29, 2011

Just can't quit looking at her picture

With thanks to our friend Sherri who put this together for us. It really is cute (but hey look at what Sherri was working with, no prejudice here, lol).....


Sherri said...

Your welcome Dannye, I can't wait to print that out for myself!! My first friend in our group to receive a referral!! WOO HOO!!! Finally the fireflies are in!!

Kayce said...

Oh goodness!! Congratulations!! Your daughter is adorable!!!!! Enjoy all the joy that is to come!

taffyman said...

Dannye , We are soooooo happy for you. I'm not sure if you remember us, we met you at lunch with Jacob, Dawn, Lily and was quite a few years ago..and I remember you saying you had a LONG wait, but never in a million years did I think it would be over 5 years...WOW...Chynna is BEAUTIFUL...CONGRATS!!! from Brian, Deb and Hannah Philby

taffyman said...

Hi Dannye...We are sooooo excited for you guys. I am not sure if you remember us. We met you at lunch a few years ago with Jacob,Dawn, Lily and Rosie in Orlando. I remember at that time you said you had a long wait ahead, but never thought it would be over 5 years!! Congrats!!! From Brian, Deb and Hannah Philby

Alyson and Ford said...

So beautiful!!! Are you ready to travel? Time to get ready!

Alyzabeth's Mommy

Anonymous said...

Hi Dannye, Not sure you remember us. We had lunch with you in Orlando with Dawn,Jacob,Lily and Rosie. At that time you told us you had a long wait ahead, but never dreamed it would be over 5 years..WOW...Congrats to you, and hope travel comes quickly so you can meet your Beautiful daughter. From Brian, Deb and Hannah Philby

Ladybug Dragon said...

Congratulations! How amazing! She's beautiful! The fun is now beginning.

Debbie Sauer said...

Absolutely adorable! Congratulations. I am looking forward to following along. Blessings

Deb said...

Aww! She's a sweety!
FINALLY its happening!!!!! I'm so excited for you! Our son is from Jiangxi too!

Veronica Leaptrott said...

Congrats! She is beautiful, I am from the Firefly group from way back when we dropped out of China and then ended up adopting locally. I can't believe that the fireflies are beginning to fly home. Once again congrats.

Kim :) said...

YAY for beautiful Chynna and MeiLeigh!! I can't wait to get their picture together (with bows in their hair!) I am so glad we will be traveling together... thank you for calling me today... it was a treat to speak with you.

JMCS said...

She did great. What a beautiful layout of your beautiful princess. :)

Tricia said...

She is just beautiful! Congratulations on seeing her face for the first time. I know how excited you must be. Enjoy every second. Here's to a speedy CA.

Tricia Thompson
Fellow July 2006'er
Family Day with Maggie 12-7-2009

Kathy said...

Congrats, she is beautiful.
We have a Jiangxi beauty and have been home 4 years with her.
Hope you get quick travel, get ready for the trip of your life.

Research-China.Org said...

Congratulations on your Jiangxi referral!! When you are ready to get her newspaper finding ad (which has a great photo months younger than her referral photos!) come visit us.

Hope you have a speedy trip!


shelley said...

I have looked at A LOT of Chinese babies and I have to say, yours is one of the prettiest I have seen in a long time....not counting mine of course. Congrats on your new daughter, I know you have waited a long time and she is worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

Chynna is absolutely gorgeous!! You must be so excited. I hope she is home with you soon x

April Z said...

I found the link to your blog on RQ and I wanted to tell you that your little girl is adorable! I'm looking forward to following your journey.

Jennifer B. said...

I just showed my dd, Aysia, your sweet baby & she thought she was too cute. She also likes it that know there will be an Aysia & a Chynna from the same orphanage here in the states. We live in Georgia so they get to go from being in Southern China to the South here too. We love her name & hope you get to travel soon.
Check out our site

Suz said...

Congratulations!!! She is beautiful!