Yesterday Mom and I while out running our Saturday errands stopped by the Asian grocery store to purchase some "lucky candy" for our nail techs for CNY, and were lucky enough to get to the store just at the right moment....for the CNY celebration (unfortunately I didn't have my camera with us, so no pictures)....
There were so many people there of all ages....some in the most beautiful Asian attire....
While awaiting for the event to start we began noticing some of the people began putting in earplugs and covering their noses and mouths with face masks, and we thought hmmm how strange (but we found out why this was being done....hehe)....
The Lion Dance began, with the beating of these beautifully decorated drums and these symbols, and two brillantly colored dragons dancing first in the street and then went through the entire store, and came back outside to continue the dance...
and that's when we found out why the earplugs and masks were used...the LOUD firecrackers then began going off (and the smoke, wow is all I can say, amazing but loud and smoky)...while the lion dance continued...the dragons even climbed the pole up the building...when the dragons were back safely on the ground the firecrackers continued to explode and they even went up the building and up the pole...
we had an amazing time and were so blessed to have timed our shopping just right (without knowing it) to experience our first CNY celebration....
We had a rather unique New Year celebration in our neighborhood - a firearm must be shot and heard for miles around. This time honored tradition can be performed while sitting on the back of a horse, a truck or significant other. A yodel or exclamation of "ye haw" or "whoopee" are shouted followed by a return to the viddles table for some more good eatin's. The New Year ends when all the corn squeezins has run out and all the women folk start to look like Cover Girls. Happy New Year!
Love Youz,
Cool stuff! Fortuitous timing.
Keep smilin!
I'm glad that you got there in time to see the fun. Even if you got smoked out by the firecrackers!
How fun, perfect timing! I guess ear plugs and masks will be required if you go next year.
COOL! That sounds like fun!
It sounds like it would have been a fun thing to watch... take care
We need to find an Asian market around here... that was too cool!
LID 01/27/06
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