Ray and I have been once again paperchasing, this time for the renewal of our I-171H (U.S. granting of our Petition to Adopt)....so once again we are gathering papers to update our Home Study, and renew our fingerprints...
so far we have: Ray's employment letter (I still have to get mine, but should have it next week), the child abuse clearance, the local criminal background checks, sent for the Fla. Dept Law Enforcement background check, copy of our most recent tax return, and today we have our dr.'s appt to obtain our updated medical report...
I'll be so very happy when we are done collecting paperwork, and are in China getting our baby girl!!
I cant wait for you to be in China either..
Pain in the butt! But we gotta do what we have to.
Keep smilin!
It is a real pain, and so unfair! Hope it goes smoothly for you guys!
Redoing paperwork stinks but it's gotta be done...just think that you will be one more step closer to bringing your baby home!! :)
When you have a chance, check out my blog....you are going to love my entry for today!!! :)
I think we are going to re do our paper work again in February! That will be the 3rd and FINAL time.
Re-ded our fingerprints (last Saturday)for the 3rd time and surprize, surprize - we still have the same fingerprints!
Sent in the homestudy and all the other yaddah along with close to $700 bucks. And so we continue to wait .....
I will be so happy when it is all OVER and we can all have our lives back!
Dannye...is this wearing you out like it is me?! I thought we were finished paperchasing months ago!! I may need "retail therapy" after the renewal! ;)
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