Words just can't express how Ray and I are feeling right now, such relief, such excitement, we are going to be parents, really really parents!! I can't stop smiling and giggling like a schoolgirl!! We can breathe easier now, we made the final step, now we are in that infamous Matching Room...for how long, I really don't know, but I do know this, there really is a light at the end of this really long tunnel, and in that beautiful light is our Chynna!!!
I sent you an email..but will say it again..HUGE CONGRATS...sleep easy tonight Mommy and Daddy!!
You know I am over the moon for ya, baby!
A major congrats, my friend!!!
We are doing the dance of joy for you & Ray - it ain't pretty, but we are VERY happy! We're buying you dinner at the October Waiting Parents meeting to celebrate. (We won't be able to make this month's meeting). Hopefully, they will choose a different place by then - did you see that Lam's Garden was on the Health Department's hit list in the Sunday Sentinel?
Anyway, it wasn't easy to type this with all the dancing we're doing for you. Congratulations!
Don & Be
Congrats Dannye!! That is fantastic news!
What fab news Dannye! Not too much longer hopefully.
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