In this photograph released by Conservation International on Monday, June 4, 2007, an Atelopus frog is shown in this March 2006 file photo taken at the Nassau Mountains, eastern Suriname. Scientists said Monday that they have discovered 24 new species of wildlife in the remote plateaus of eastern Suriname, including this frog with fluorescent purple markings discovered by Surinamese scientists Paul Ouboter and Jan Mol. [AP]
[[[don'tcha just love it when "new frogs" are discovered????]]]
That is one of the coolest frogs I have ever seen!!
Are you sure that's real? WOwsers.
Cool frogs! I don't mean to be stupid, but where is Suriname?
your geographically challenged friend,
Hi Dannye...thought I would drop in after all this time. Would you email me so I can get your email? tundrachica at hotmail dot com. I have some questions for ya. :)
BTW...Awesome frog. You'd be proud. I put a frog puzzle together this morning. :)
Ok....the frog is kinda cool....but they still gag me! lol
That is one cool looking frog.
That is freaky deaky awesome.
That is THE COOLEST frog EVER - yep, I'm glad they are finding more - I LOVE little cute reptiles - Take that Stef!!!!
Started thinking about my comment and realized that frogs are amphibians - SO - I love those too!!!!
I am in love with that frog...purdylicious.
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