Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some funnies to go with those New Year's Resolutions some people made

Okay I'm not one of these people, but you know the ones, the ones who say on New Year's Eve that their resolution is to lose (you fill in the blank here) pounds, and religiously exercise those first few days, and begin eating healthier to accomplish this goal. Well here are some funnies to go along with this type of thinking:


C's Mom said...

*#($(* Time to raid the fridge ;0)

Steffie B. said...

Ahhhhhhh.....the diet resolution! Yeah....I made one of those. Working on the big "lose 10 pounds goal" as we speak. Joined the gym, but darn it.....I just have a thing for BBQ chips! And then of course there is the snack I must have while I am blogging at night! LOL Root Beer float seems to be the latest! ;)

aimeeg said...

Thanks for the funnies! Maybe I need the death threat one to stay on mine:)

Nikki said...

Very funny! I didn't even bother with that silly resolution this year. Who needs all the aggravation?!?!

tundrachica said...

These are great. I don't make resolutions for the fact that I KNOW I'm not going to be able to keep matter how realistic they are. Great funnies!